Chapter 19

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Three months later 

Mya's POV

Today is the day we finally graduate school. Let me update you real quick. It's September 19 and me and billie's relationship have been great. My 'personal issues' have grown into panic attacks which I now have at least 3 times a day.

4 tops. So far billie is the only one to calm me down. Yes I have other friends, but it's just different when they try to calm me down. Right now billie is helping me pick out my outfit. "Babe you look beautiful in all the outfits you came out here with." Billie sighed.

I at least have had to try on 20 dresses. "I know, but I don't think they look right." I whined. Billie stood up from my bed and walked over to me, grabbing my waist. It gave me so many butterflies. 

I blushed and smiled a little. "You look beautiful, so just wear this so we can go. I don't wanna be late for our graduation." She gave me a kiss and walked over to my closet to get my cap and gown. 

"Cmon put it on." She said. I sighed and put it on. She grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs. Claudia, Finneas, Maggie, Patrick, my mom, Jayden, and my dad all cheered. "Look at my babies growing up." My mom said. 

Me and billie smiled. I hugged her, "Cmon picture time." She said quickly. I stood next to billie and smiled. After we were done billie gave me a kiss. "I love you." She said quietly. I stared at her shock, but a smile creeped up on my face.

"I love you too." I kissed her again. "Alright love birds time to go." Finneas said. Oh right my mom and dad knows about me and billie now and they were completely supportive. They said they expected it ever since we started showering together.

We walked out the door and we got in the car. Everyone is riding with Maggie while I'm riding with billie of course. "Wanna play some music?" Billie asked. "Hell yea." I smiled.

She gave me the aux cord and I played 'Woman' by Doja Cat. "Really." Billie said. I started singing the lyrics and she chuckled and shook her head.


We arrived at the school and I immediately ran to Ava. "Bitchh we're graduating." She said excitedly. "I know, I'm so excited." I said happily. The whole group came up to us and we all talked.

"Attention all staff, students, and teachers, please report to the auditorium the ceremony will start soon." We heard on the intercom. Billie grabbed my hand and we all walked to the auditorium. 

We sat in the middle and billie had her hand on my thigh. Everyone in the auditorium was talking and laughing and I can tell everyone was happy.  "Ok quiet down." The principal said into the microphone.

Everyone went silent. "Congratulations students to graduating." Everyone clapped. She gave this boring as speech that I wasn't listening too. "Mya Parker will now come up and give her speech." 

Oh did I mention they picked me to do the speech. I have anxiety the fuck they pick me for. Billie sensed I was nervous and squeezed my thigh. "You got this mamas." She said then she leaned over to my ear.

"If you do good I'll have a surprise for you at my house." She whispered. I quickly stood up and walked to the stage. Everyone clapped and cheered as I walked up the stairs and grabbed the microphone from the principal.

I cleared my throat. "Uh h-hi." I smiled nervously and gave a cute little wave. Everyone cheered. "Um I-I wanna give a big thanks to all of my friends to helping me get through high school." I said. They all cheered and I laughed. 

"Um I especially want to thank my amazing girlfriend billie, she's been there for me since we were born basically." I smiled. She blew me a kiss and I blushed. "Um I wanna thank my teachers and my uh classmates for also helping me at times."

Everyone cheered and clapped. "Uh my senior year was amazing and you guys helped it be amazing sort of." I chuckled. "Uh I'm not going to make this long so I want all of us to enjoy this and live our lives to the fullest." 

"So on the count of three we're all going to say yolo because the grownups doesn't know what it means." I said. "1, 2, 3." "YOLO!" We all shouted and cheered and clapped. "Oh and brandon fuck you ugly motherfucker!" I shouted into the mic and ran off the stage. 

Everyone cheered and clapped "Mya, Mya, Mya..." Everyone chanted. "Ok settle down settle down." Our principal said. "Ok we'll now call the names." She said. 


We were almost done and it was now billie's turn. "Billie O'Connell." The principal said. I cheered as loud as I could. Billie smiled and walked up the stairs grabbed her diploma and grabbed the mic. 

"Um all I wanna say is...fuck this school." She laughed and gave the mic back to the teacher. I smiled at her stupidness. "Last but never least is Mya Parker." Everyone cheered loudly as I walked up the stairs. 

I shook the principal's hand and grabbed my diploma and grabbed the mic with my other hand. "Um bye." I said cutely. I ran to billie and she kissed me. "Let party!" A kid yelled. Everyone ran out of the school me and billie following. 

"Babe wait I can't run in these hills." I said out of breath. She picked me up and started running. I squealed and laughed the whole way to the car. We blasted music the whole way to Jake's house (the kid who's having the party). 


We been at this party for a while and I'm not going to lie I had 2 drinks, but I'm not a light weight. Billie on the other hand doesn't drink so uh she is a lightweight. "Hey babe." Billie slurs'. "Yea." I said as I stop talking to Nya. 

"I think-" She burped. "I'm ready to go home." She said. "Ok, where's your keys?" I asked. She handed them to me and then collapsed  in my arms. "The room is spinning." She mumbled. I quickly took her outside.

She threw up in the bushes. She groaned and wiped her mouth after she was done. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. I unlocked her car and put her in gently.

I got in and sighed. 


We made it to billie's house and I carried her to her room. I laid her down on the bed and started to undress her. "Are you going to fuck me." She slurred. "No billie, I'm just changing you." I laughed a bit.

"But I want you to fuck me." She started crying. Oh god. "Baby why are you crying?" I asked as I tried to hold in my laugh. "D-do you not like me anymore? Is that why you won't fuck me." She cried out.

"No no baby it's just your drunk, I'll fuck you tomorrow." I said. "Promise." She sniffled. "Yeah I promise." I said. "Ok." She said cutely and closed her eyes. I smiled and put the cover over her. I changed and got in bed with her.

"Goodnight b, I love you."


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe love you.!

1228 words

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