Iron Man (Part 2)

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Author's Note

I wanted to just warn everyone that there may be spoilers in this story when it comes to the origins of certain characters. Mostly the villains. Just a heads up.

Now with that out of the way let's begin, please enjoy.


Upon returning home, Stark and Rhodey exit a plane. Pepper and Happy are seen waiting for Stark.

Stark approached Pepper. "Hmm. Your eyes are red." He pointed out. "A few tears for your long lost boss?"

"Tears of joy. I hate job hunting." She said.

"Yeah, vacation's over." Stark said.

They then enter the car and Pepper tells Happy to take them to a hospital, but Stark refuses. She tried to convince him to go to the hospital but he continued to refuse and instead decided to hold a press conference.

(0:41:58 - 0:43:10)

"He should really go to the hospital. He needs surgery for the shrapnel still in his chest." Recovery Girl said.

"But he's fine as long as he has the arc reactor, right?" Kaminari said.

"It would be better if he didn't need the arc reactor to survive." Shoji said.

"I'm more interested in this press conference." Kurogiri said.

Stark arrives at the press conference and is greeted by Obadiah who joins him. As the group enters the press conference, Pepper is approached by someone.

"Miss Potts?"


"Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"I'm not part of the press conference, but it's about to begin right now."

"I'm not a reporter. I'm Agent Phil Coulson, with the Strategic Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division."

"That's quite a mouthful."

"I know. We're working on it."

(0:43:10 - 0:44:05)

"The what?" Spinner asked.

"The Strategic Homeland Inter-" Izuku started as he noted the name.

"Just call them SHIELD. It's an acronym." Trixter interrupted.

"Oh. Okay." Izuku nodded.

"You know, we've been approached already by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA..." Pepper explained.

"We're a seperate division with a more specific focus." Coulson explained. "We need to debrief Mr. Stark about the circumstances of his escape."

"I'll put something in the book, shall I?"

"Thank you." Coulson walked away.

(0:44:05 - 0:44:22)

"So these SHIELD guys want to know how Stark managed to escape." Izuku noted.

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