The Incredible Hulk (Part 1)

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Author's Note

Hello and welcome back everyone. It's time to begin The Incredible Hulk. Please enjoy.


Everyone walked into the theater and took their seats. Trixter walked on stage and prepared to give a speech.

"At the end of Iron Man, you all learned of the existence of other heroes in the world. This next film will introduce you to one of those heroes." Trixter began.

"All right! Another hero!" Kirishima said.

"Iron Man was pretty cool. I wonder what this hero will be like." Uraraka said.

Trixter chuckled. "Oh, this hero is an interesting one to say the least. The hero you'll all be seeing this time is known as The Incredible Hulk." Trixter said as the name appeared on the screen behind him.

Izuku wrote down the name.

"He must be big." Thirteen said.

"Before we begin, I'd like to ask you all something. How much control does your Quirk have over your life?" Trixter asked.

The audience was confused.

"I think a lot of you don't realize how much your life is dictated by the Quirk you're born with. What if you were Quirkless? Would you still try to become heroes?" Trixter asked.

No one said anything but they all knew the answer. No. Of course not. It's impossible.

"Or what about Shigaraki's Quirk? Everything he touches turns to ash. Do you believe someone like that could be a hero?" Trixter asked.

Again, no one responded.

"In the end, your Quirk decides your place in society. So, I ask you, what happens to a person with a Quirk that makes them hurt everyone they come in contact with?" Trixter asked.

This got the attention of Eri, who had been playing with her new toy until now.

"The hero you're about to see is one with a dangerously uncontrollable power. You will see how such a power affects their life and their place in society." Trixter explained. "But more importantly, you'll see them refuse to accept their fate. You'll see them fight to regain control of their life. Prepare to witness the tale of one of this world's most incredible heroes."

With those final words, Trixter made their way to their seat and the film began.


The scene began in a lab where a experiment was about to take place. A man (Bruce Banner) was sitting in a chair while a woman (Betty) watched from the other room.

(0:00:00 - 0:01:10)

"What's going on?" Sero asked.

"If I had to guess, I'd say they're performing some sort of experiment." Momo said.

"You'd be right." Trixter said.

As the experiment commenced, the Gamma Ray Projector moved in front of Banner; shining a beam of Gamma Radiation into his eyes. Suddenly, something seemed to go wrong and the back of a large creature (Hulk) was shown.

(0:01:10 - 0:01:23)

"Huh?! What's happening?!" Uraraka asked.

"Something definitely went wrong." Power Loader said.

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