Iron Man 2 (Part 2)

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Author's Note

Hello everyone and welcome back to my story.

I don't have much to say today, but I do want to say that later today, this story will be posted on Ao3. Meaning you all will be able to watch it on here, Fanfiction, or Ao3. Choose whichever site you prefer.

Now, with that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy today's chapter.


Tony and Pepper where in their private jet, heading home. Pepper was watching a news broadcast where Senator Stern was discussing the Duel of Monaco.

"It's just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle and this man has no idea what he's doing. He thinks of the Iron Man weapon as a toy." Stern claimed.

Tony then entered the room, carrying a plate of food.

"I was at a hearing where Mr. Stark, in fact, was adamant that these suits can't exist anywhere else, don't exist anywhere else, never will exist anywhere else, at least for five to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realizing, 'Uh-oh. These suits exist now.'" Stern continued.

(0:40:12 - 0:40:40)

"You can't blame Stark for that! How was he supposed to know about Whiplash?!" Mei asked.

"It doesn't matter. The fact is, Stark did claim that it was impossible for anyone else in the world to possess the same tech as him, at least not for a few years. But he was just proven wrong." Nighteye said.

"Which means both Hammer and Stern have been proven right. There really are threats that Stark doesn't always foresee." Endeavor added.

"Now the government has even more reason to take Stark's tech. If one person managed to get there hands on the same technology as Iron Man, then it's possible others could do the same." Iida said.

"But it wasn't even a full on suit! It was just a couple of whips! Why are they acting like this is a big deal?!" Bakugo asked.

"That guy with just a couple of whips nearly killed Iron Man. The fact of the matter is that Whiplash has proven himself to be a great threat. And it's reasonable to think that more major threats like him could start appearing. The government, as well as the public, have plenty of reasons to be worried." Aizawa said.

"Plus, this is a convenient reason to try and take the Iron Man armor again. Stern is probably delighted right now." Gentle said.

Tony muted the TV and approached Pepper.

"He should be giving me a medal. That's the truth." Tony said as he sat across from Pepper.

(0:40:40 - 0:40:46)

"Precisely. Whiplash was dealt with, thus proving that even someone with Arc Reactor technology couldn't hold a candle to Iron Man. You should be showing him more respect!" Mei said.

Eri nodded in agreement.

"What is that?" Pepper asked about the dish Tony had brought.

"This is your in-flight meal." Tony answered as he removed the cover of the dish, revealing a plate of very poorly cooked food.

"...Did you just make that?" Pepper asked, trying her best to not be impolite.

"Yeah. Where do you think I've been for three hours?" Tony answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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