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Ivy stares at the grand black gates in front of her excited yet scared to finally see her best friend Draco after all this time, also to finally see the famous Malfoy manor. But she can't help herself to shake the feeling in the pit of her stomach that stirred like a potion batch gone very wrong. As the gates swung open very silently and she stepped in, a eerie shiver crawled up her back leaving goosebumps on her pale skin. She couldn't help but notice over the fog that the sky was dark and covered in grey clouds despite it being 5 o'clock in the afternoon. "Should've worn a coat." She states, scolding herself. On her body a emerald green dress sat comfortably hugging every curve, the slit down the side of dress allowed to cold air to attack her legs. Ivy felt hesitant to go in, and before she could knock Draco answered the door and stepped outside to greet her, alone.

Draco didn't seem to be as handsome as he usually was, the bags under his eyes drooped and stood out. His hair was a little messy compared to how he normally keeps it. And worst of all he wasn't even dressed yet.
"Ivy..." he breathed, his eyes widen as he took in the sight in front of him. "Yes Draco?" Ivy smiles back at him. Her jet black hair was straightened and tidily tucked behind her ears, to prevent it getting into her face when it was time to eat. "You look..." he begins but trails off. "What?" She questions, urging him to answer but before he can the door opens once again, revealing a woman with black and white hair, she was very beautiful and very well kept. She too, wore Emerald green, but that was on her corset. "Draco, what are you doin- Oh! Hello dear you must be ivy" She says, fear laced into her tone at first, but seeing Ivy must've put her at ease. "Please both of you come in, its too cold out here. You can both go to Dracos room so he can get dressed, You're 40 minutes early." She stumbles the words out quickly, beckoning the two inside.

Ivy placed herself onto Draco's bed, getting comfy and to try distract herself from how weird everything was today, whilst Draco was in the bathroom, silently sobbing and gathering himself together to get ready and face this. Did Ivy know what she was getting herself into?

About 20 minutes later, Draco emerged from the bathroom and met Ivy in the bedroom. She failed to contain the gasp that left her lips as he stood in-front of her, wearing a gorgeous black suit with a green handkerchief sat neatly in the pocket and his hair combed back, he looked breathtaking. "Ivy, I have something to tell you.." He whispered, looking around nervously. Ivy wondered why he was so paranoid, she had been waiting since third year for him to confess his feelings without her reading his mind. "Draco I know, It's okay." She smiles to him. His face flashes relief as he steps toward her, but a new expression takes over, it looked like terror. "Wait you're okay with it?" He breathes, clearly confused. Ivy doesn't like the uncertainty and mix of emotions, so she looks directly into his eyes. The result would normally be memories and how Draco felt, but this time all she could read was darkness. "Draco what's going on, I can't look into your mind" She questions, the potion bubbling more in her stomach, making her extremely uneasy.
"I told you to stop doing that.." He mumbles angrily. "Stop stalling." She spits back. "I had Occlumency lessons with Snape over the summer." He whispers, his feet shuffling nervously below him. "Why?" Ivy questions, feeling queasy now. "To prepare for this. Ivy I swear I never meant to drag you into this, my dad he-" Before he could finish the door broke open with a loud thud. "My children, dinner is ready and our special guest wishes to see you now." A man with long blonde hair states, announcing his presence and his authority. Ivy automatically knows that this was Lucius. He leaves hurriedly, Draco following slowly, he looks back at Ivy and stops. It takes everything in the poor boy to not explain himself. "COME!" Lucius exclaims, making the two jump. Draco reaches out his hand and Grabs Ivy's, dragging her down the large dark corridors.

The doors to the dining room creaked open slowly, antagonising the two teens that stood before it. Draco squeezed Ivys hand to reassure her, but it only made her more terrified. A large table was revealed, extending all along the room, there was thirty chairs and all but three were taken. Above the table was a golden chandelier, it was gorgeous but Ivy didn't have the right mindset to take in the luxury around her as she had made eye contact with the head of the table, at the very end of the room sat Voldemort himself.

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