Back to Hogwarts.

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Just three days after getting the dark mark and being initiated into the Death-eaters, Draco and Ivy sat on the Hogwarts express once again, like normal teenagers. Ready to start their sixth year at Hogwarts. Except this year would be completely different to most. Draco had been given the task of mending the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement and to connect it to the one in Borgin and Burkes, also to kill the greatest wizard in this current time: Their headmaster Professor Albus Dumbledore. Ivy however, had been given the task to tend to Draco, help him however and to become close with the golden trio, to throw them off Draco's tail. Another key thing that would have to happen, they would have to start dating to take suspicion away. This didn't sit well with Ivy, because if she wanted to be with Draco, it would have to be on their own terms. But Lucius insisted and the dark lord approved. A few comments were made about Ivys mother, a day after they were initiated. But Ivy did not know who she was. She tried to ask but was silenced, and Draco was clueless as to who she could be.

After lots of conversation and being rocked calmingly closer to Hogwarts by the comforting train, Ivy looked up and noticed Draco's bag move. Her gut instantly told her someone was watching. She nudged Draco and he looked at her. She gazed into his eyes for a second and focused hard. Being a naturally born legillimen, she could read peoples minds that hadn't learnt occulmency, she could also speak in their subconscious. She had formed a plan to her partner, that if she nudged him and looked him in the eyes without saying anything, he needed to let her in. So Draco removed the barriers in his mind to let her say what she needed to. 'Potter, invisibility cloak just above us.' She whispers, even though it was in his mind she still had the fear someone could hear her. He nods a thanks to her and looks up. They couldn't risk being caught at all, so Draco took Ivy's hand and intertwined their fingers, which resulted in Pansy shooting daggers with her eyes at the pairs hands. "Me and Ivy have something to say." Draco says confidently, but Ivy knows deep down he is terrified of the consequences if they fail. Blaise smiles to himself when he notices the aggravation it was causing Pansy. "Spit it out." Pansy says aggressively, trying to make Ivy uncomfortable. Draco looks to Ivy to see if she's okay with it now as they both hated how uncomfortable and how  unnatural it was. Their lives literally depended on it. Ivy gives Draco a reassuring nod. Pansy scoffs as the two take forever to speak whatever news they had.
"Me and Ivy have been secretly dating, all summer holidays. That's why we've been so secretive. We were waiting for parents approval before we said anything. I hope you can both understand." He says, not stuttering and looking Pansy in the eye. Her eyes roll at the two and she grunts. "I'm happy for you both, it was bound to happen at some point, but don't keep secrets from us again." Blaise says, a look of sympathy on his face. His eyes gleaming with amusement and care. Ivy smiles at him, if only he knew... "Parents approval?" Pansy says, hate laced in her tone. "I can understand yours Draco, but Ivy? With an abusive murder for a father and a mother who's not even present. No, no you don't even know who she could possibly be." Ivy was extremely taken aback by this, her fist clenched hard, crushing Draco's fingers. It probably didn't help he was wearing rings. He winced slightly but restored himself quickly. Everyone notice Ivy was going red, it was almost as if there was smoke about to come out of her ears. "How dare you Pansy, you spiteful bitch. Don't you dare let your jealousy get the better of you here. If you carry on or make anymore comments about my mother or me and Draco, I wont hesitate to. Beat. Your. Ass." She spits her teeth gritted, flames coming out of every word and burning the stupid girl in-front of her. At this point everyone in the carriage was staring at her, thrilled from the drama. Some remarks were made to Ivy like "Get her girl!" "I'm so glad someone's finally standing up to Parkinson." Pansy had a brief moment of terror flash across her face, but she just shrugged it off and ignored Ivy. "Pansy I'm being deadly serious. Anymore and I will hex you so bad you wont be able to speak again." The boys chuckled, loving to see this side of fiery Ivy, Her jet black hair flowing with every movement she made and her Green eyes reflecting nothing but hate. "Yeah fine whatever." Pansy responded, she sounded somewhat bored. Ivy took a breath and collected herself. She couldn't let Pansy break her. She was also wondering what Potter above would be thinking. Would this make it harder to befriend him?

The Hogwarts Express came to a halt, letting all of the students know that they had arrived at Hogsmeade and it was time to board the carriages. Pansy and Blaise stood quickly, clearly excited to get back to Hogwarts. But as Ivy went to stand, Draco pulled on her arm to sit her back down. Pansy turned, shooting a scowl at Ivy her eyes filled with hate. Blaise stopped too, turning to give Draco a look of confusion. Ivy couldn't help the colour that came to her cheeks. "You guys go ahead, I have to talk to Ivy." He fakes a smile as Blaise nods, and continues to make his way off the train. Although Pansy still stood there, she opened her mouth to make a quick remark but soon shut it as Ivy narrowed her eyes at her. "Come on Pansy." Blaise called out. She scowled once more at the two and aggressively stomped off the train.

Draco stood from his seat and pulled his wand out, closing all blinds on the train in the process. Once he made sure it was everyone but him, Ivy and the unsuspecting Harry Potter he closed the door to the carriage and covered the window. He muttered a locking charm as Ivy stood up too. "Draco what are you doing?" She questions him, extremely confused and worried. Draco's eyes wondered to where his bag once was, the railing above them where harry had been hiding under his invisibility cloak. "No." Ivy almost shouted as she pulled out her wand, she had caught a glimpse into Draco's mind. It did not look promising for Harry.
"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop Potter?" Draco said aggressively. What Draco had just said hit Ivy in the chest hard, she thought it was such an awful thing to say since his mother had been murdered by the man they were both secretly working for. Ivy couldn't keep up with Draco as he raised his wand and yelled: "Petrificus Totalus!" And with a loud thump Harry crashed off the railing right at Ivy's feet, his invisibility cloak falling off of him. "Oh yeah, she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin." Draco snarled. He looked at Ivy, nothing but anger in his eyes. Without breaking eye contact, he swiftly raised his foot and connected it to Harrys nose. Ivy flinched, she was yet to see this side of Draco and she hated it. What he had also said to Harry filled her with anger, not knowing her mother had hurt her so much all these years, so she couldn't bear to think how Harry was feeling. Harry was paralysed from the spell, Ivy shuddered as blood trickled from his nose and onto the carriage floor below him, it made its way toward her . "Do what you have to do. I know your good heart wants to help him." Draco spat whilst unlocking the door. He walked swiftly out of the carriage and exited the train. Ivy felt alone and scared, this was her one chance she'd get at befriending Harry. She had to get it right. "Oh merlin Harry. I can't believe he's done this to you." She dropped to her knees, getting blood on them. "Finite" Ivy said loudly whilst waving her wand at him. The problem was, she did actually really respect Harry and felt sorry for what had just happened to him.
Harry stirred and tried to get up quickly. "Woah go careful, I know you're the chosen one and all but he did get you pretty good there." She lightly chuckles in an attempt to lighten the mood, placing her hand under his head to help him up. "Why are you helping me?" Harry questions, eying her up suspiciously. They both stand up and Ivy's eyes drop to the floor, unsure on how this will go. "Well?" He pushes, eager to know why his moral enemy's supposed girlfriend was doing this for him. "We should get off the train. I'll tell you on the walk." Ivy grabs his hand and pulls him off. This was new territory for the both of them, and the energy that was radiating in the dark air was fear. How will this play out?

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