Chapter One

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Petunia Durlsey however unkind or unpleasant she may be, is not a cruel woman. She prided herself on her self-preservation skills (though many would argue that she had none) and ability to ease through tricky situations. So when she found her sisters godson on her small porch she didn't dare to notify her husband or let the possibility of him ever seing this baby occur. If he was to discover this freak there is no telling what he would do.

What was she to do? One of the only orphanages that remains in the uk is more then two hours from the small town she currently resided in. Her husband leaves for work in less than half an hour and would return by half six so that would give her around nine hours which was more than enough to get rid of this monstosity.

What excuse could she use to leave at this time? A sale perhaps? A close friend needed help organising a baby shower? She decided on the latter.

A small note was left on the dining room table along with a english breakfast and the presence of the pudgy dudley was absent from the house.


The first time Isabella saw that tiny baby packaged in that ratty blanked, her heart leapt a couple beats quicker. She could practically taste the strong magic emitting from his small form, varying from light to dark. Such a curious little thing it was.

Her mind was made. She was going to adopt this babe, and she was certain of that. So with that thought in mind she walked up to the matron and informed her of her decision.

From now on Hardian Lupin-Black would be referred to as Aniran zenith Schwarz.

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