Chapter seven

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He had finally made it on the train safely without a concussion or any broken bones. Sighing softly he looks around for available compartments hoping his luck is at max peak and he finds an empty one. He doesn't want to deal with immature brats (Even if he himself is one)

Finally he had found an available compartment but it was sadly occupied with two others. Two identical twins were playing explosive snap whilst they ate an odd looking sandwich. Is that edible?

"Hey do you mind if we share compartments all the others were occupied?" He asked politely making sure to pronounce everything slowly so they will understand him with his accent.

Their heads simultaneously snapped in his direction, abruptly stopping their game of snap.

"Why dearest brother it seems this firstie has entered the dragons den."

"Why yes brother he seems unaware of the danger he's putting himself in." The other one replied.

Confused at what they meant he joined them in their compartment. Only to stop as some weird substance dropped down on him once he made it past the doorway.

Fuming at the merciless prank they had just pulled he stormed his way over before conjuring a crow from one of his braclets to attack their heads.

"Bastards pull that one again and ill make sure you sleep with one eye open for the rest of your school years!."

"Calm down firstie we had warned you"

"If anything its your fault!"

He fumed as the twins had the audacity to laugh at his anger. He growled out before he bite the arm of the twin closest to him. Though that cause them to laugh even more.

"Aww fred look we got a little kitty cat"

"More like a ferocious dog dearest brother."

They started to coo before patting his head.

"Calm down doggie. How about a game of explosive snap."

He contemplated the offer before shrugging. Why not? What's the worst that could happen.

After 10 games he regret thinking that. By the end he had gambled most of his sweets away to these gluttonous leeches. Though he couldn't bring himself to hate them. They were fun to be around even if it meant losing a week supply of his blood pops.

So the three feisty gryffindorks embarked on a new friendship as they became Hogwarts biggest mistake.

(A/N sorry these chapters are very rushed im just too lazy and created this because i was bored. Before i write the upcoming chapters what house do you think suits harry best? I would say gryffindor with his slight anger issues but you guys prefer it if he was in another house. Maybe hufflpuff?)

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