Chapter Six

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"You got your couldron right? What about your potion ingredients? Maybe you forgot a book or two-"

"Mum calm down i have everything." Hadrian calmly called out from his room. His mother did get paranoid with this sort of stuff. Honestly her attitude resembled a loyal house elf at times.

"I get the feeling your thinking something disrespectful. Mothers sixth sense and all!" Well shit.

"How could you accuse me of such a scandalous thing. You wound me mother." That earned him a famous mum slap around his head.

"Eek! Dont do that you gorilla!" And another slap.

"If you don't stop being a little shit i might aswell shove soap down your throat." His mother repripmanded pulling on his earlobe. Jippocrate.

"Mother if you don't watch out social services will come knocking on your door." And to his surprise he didn't earn another slap but instead a hug (eh?)

"Aww im going to miss you so much." Her arms constricted tightly around him as he cried out for gods mercy. Her snot and tears were getting in his hear much to his displeasure.

"Hurts!Hurts! Mother you darn gorilla your gonna break my shoulders!" Big mistake.

Freedom always comes at a price and whether its worth it or not Aniran will never know. Another slap across the head and Aniran can safely say that he will have a concussion if he doesn't stop annoying his mother.

"Well we best be off mother before we miss the train."

And so they did just that.

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