Chapter Two

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Aniran zenith Schwarz was the only child of a German purblood couple- Isabella and Chris Schwarz- who he suspected was related to the British purblood family, Black. It was after all the same name just in a different language.

When he was two years old they had decided to blood adopt him, changing his natural features slightly. Now he had moderately thin eyebrows which were shaped delicately, with thick hair that was naturally curly thanks to his fathers genes. Those weren't the only changes. Now in place of the greyish amber his natural eyes were, they now had specs of emerald resembling his mothers eyes. Overall the changes weren't to drastic but added to his charm immensely.

For two years after that Aniran was placed into a muggle school in Berlin. He excelled there skipping years at the same pace of a hawk when it spotted mice in the open. He absorbed information like a sponge causing alot of people to spite him.

Due to his natural ability of metamorphosis he had to wear a bracelet engraved with strong runes so his appearance didn't fluctuate. Alot of people picked on him for that saying it was too girly and some took it to far bullying him for being a "fag". Seriously hes five years old how is he supposed to have discovered his sexual orientation already? He ignored it all though. It wasnt much of an issue seeing as he left primary school behind as soon as he turned six.

It was weird being in a highschool when your only six years old. Alot of the students treated him coldly out of jealousy. But he would soon leave them behind so why should it bother him that they wouldn't get along?

In conclusion highschool was great in his opinion, he loved any opportunity to gain more knowledge. Though that desire left him when he turned eight and was moving on to college.

His father had always been a bit detached from everything. Aniran blamed it on the war, the mental scars it left were to deep. So he indulged in extreme distractions- firwhisky, sizzling-rum ect- so it came as a surprise when he had finally released himslef from his pain. Leaving Aniran and Isabella behind.

Aniran was unfortunate enough to discover the body.

Soon after that Aniran spiraled into a state of numbness, blocking everything out from the grief. His schoolwork stayed the same thanks to his perfect memory. But unlike the other times he didn't go out of his way to get ahead.

This carried on for months before his mother confronted him about it.

"Aniran dear.... i know your suffering- we both are. But that doesn't mean you can shut me out like this. Your father... hes not coming back and theres no way you can change that. Necromancy or blood magic wouldn't be able to change that fact either." Now that just hurt.

"Your point?"

"My point is that you shouldn't waste away in the grief cause it won't change anything! No matter how much it hurts you have to carry on. You'll be accepted into a magic school in a few years and if you wont heal here youll certainly heal there." She sighed before continuing, a defeated look lingered in her eyes."sweetheart i only want your best interest at heart and wollowing around like this is not healthy, i won't let you lose yourself to grief!"

Thats all it took for him to break down in his mothers slender arms. Unwilling to let go.

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