Chapter Nine

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After what could only be described as a banshees visit Aniran could now officialy conclude that he hated this school. He had just spent what seemed like in hour - but was actually only five minuets- in the presence that bushy haired know-it-all on a cramped boat ride to the most magnificant castle he had ever seen. She yaped on about how much of a simpleton he was and if it wasnt for the fact that the journey was short he spretty sure he would have fed her to the squid.

Now that alreday seems bad enough but nooooo god woke up witha smile on his face and decided to fuck him over. Youd think that spending a boat ride with the most insuffrable brat would be the wrost of it.. weel buckle up sunshine cause she wasnt the worst of it. He had to spend the whole entrance ceromony trying to defend his mind from some old geezer who wore the most batty cloak hed ever seen. It looked like a unicorn puked out its magical rainbow shit then decided to digest it again. In conclusion he looked extreemly dodgy.

Then there was some grumpy grease ball that glared down at him the whole ceremony with the most confused yet scary frown hed ever seen. It put his mothers to shame. what was with these people? Maybe this was just a British thing that he needed to get used to.

There was one good thing that came out the ceremony and that was the house he was sorted into. Hufflepuffs were a different breed of kindness. Truley. Though he confesses that he doesnt know why he was sorted into this house. So far hes aware that he has never displayed any of their traits. He wasnt loyal and certaintly not kind from his understanding. Maybe it was because hes never had any one other than his mother who he was closse enough to. Maybe his band? No they only talked when it was band practice.

So that concluded his day and now hes sad comfortably in his dorm room actually speaking to people his age... and he kinda likes it. Although today was bad he admitted that it wasnt the worse.

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