Chapter Eight

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By the time Aniran and the twins got onto their tenth game of exploding snap the door was slamed open by some first year.

"Have you seen a toad anywhere?" Her haughty voice interrupted.

Its been awhile since hes met somone so entitled.

"Sorry but no." He replied slowly. He was still struggling a bit with the language but hes sure his pronounciation will get better as he learns from his surroundings.

"Are you from Germany? Your English is quite terrible. It can be quite annoying." Bitch......

"You know whats annoying bitch? When some entitaled dick barges in insulting somone for their accent. Whats the english work for somone like you.... ahh yes cunt." The look of utter disgust on her face was quite rewarding especially when she huffed out like he just offended her.... oh wait yeah thats right he totaly just served that bitch.

The twins were trying really hard not to laugh, their face was even becoming blue from lack of oxygen.

"How dare you! Do they not have manners in your country?" The nerve!

"Manners? thats real sweet coming from you seing as you just barged in like you owned the place then insulted me! You do all this without introduncing yourself."

With a bellow of her robe she exited rather dramaticly. Cue the twins insane laughing and everything was complete. Aniran huffed his chest out in pride at the way he handeled that prick.

"OMG. Air i need AIR!!!!" 

They were enjoying this a bit too much.

Pouting he left the room to put his robs on. Loking at himself he felt rather self concious...he was just too bland. Slipping his runic braclet of he began to transfigure his hair so it was no longer straight and the back was a nice strawberrie blonde. Getting out his eyliner he added thin wings to his eyes and used his pencil liner to do his water eyliner.

Now you are probably wondering what eleven year old wears eyliner.... well the times have changed and social media does a great job at spreading differen subcultures.

Whenever he would walk around looking like this back in Germany he woud either get called an emo or fag by some 4ft addidas tracksuit wearing arse. But it doesnt stop him from wearing what he likes and hes gonna start his first year of magical school in fucking style!

That mood however was ruined as soon as this giant man paired him up with that entitaled bitch on a boat ride to the castle. Well shit.

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