Paperwork and Inspiration

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The next couple of days, he ignored everyone's comments and stares. They all think I'm mad or something... I can tell by the way they are scared of me... what did I ever do to them?

During lunch, he was cornered by Katsuki again. "Stop ignoring me, deku!"
Heavily annoyed at this point, he asked another genuine question, "Why should I pay attention to you?"
He smirked in response, and the blond gave an answer he'd heard 1000 times already. "Because I'm better than you!"
Izuku narrowed his eyes, before asking, "Do you honestly think that? All this talk, and beating me up, for what? Just to reassure yourself? If you have to define yourself by comparing yourself to me, then you clearly aren't superior as you claim. That makes you the biggest joke I've ever heard..."

Before Bakugo could retaliate, a man in a suit approached the both of them. His quirk made him look like a lion, his hands fur covered paws and his mane sticking in all directions "Izuku Midoriya?"
The boy in question asked, "Yes?"
"I need to talk to you in private if you could..."
Glad for an excuse to get out of there, he agreed immediately, "Ok."
Meanwhile, Bakugo was infuriated by this... extra in a suit! "Hey, don't walk away from me!"

He ignored him, thanking the man in the suit. "Thanks... he's annoying."
His voice was apologetic, and genuine. "I can tell. I'm sorry I can only help you in that way."
"Why are you here?"
The man was careful as he explained, "I'm here to discuss Inko Midoriya's will."

They reached an empty room and closed the door. "Please, take a seat."
"I will start by giving my condolences for your loss. Losing one's mother is a terrible burden. I myself lost my mother 2 years ago, so I do know what you are going through."
Izuku didn't say anything, feeling any words he could say get caught in his throat.
"Anyhow, she did leave quite a lot to you..." He read out the document to him "...I leave to my son, Izuku Midoriya, the estate, and all items within. I leave my funds and multiple accounts, so that he may thrive in the world without need of want or worry. These accounts contain funds up to 12 million yen, 16 million yen, and 5 million yen..."

That Caught the greenette by surprise, "What...? Mom was wealthy?"
"There is a note to you about that. 'I'm sorry for not living in luxury, but I wanted you to grow up valuing humility, generosity, and charity, so I made us live as if we did not have much.'"

"She was a wonderful mother..." He cried tears of joy, her spirit almost reaching from the grave. Wiping them away. "Always thinking of me above herself. Even after she was fatally injured, she worried about me first..." he looked back at the lawyer. "Can I hire you to help me get everything situated?"
"Sure. It's part of her directions regardless. Inko gave me your address, so I can meet you there later. I have to meet with one more person before we can get started. Is that alright?"
He nodded, before asking the lawyer, "Yes. Could I ask who?"

Clearing his throat, the lion asked, "Do you know one Mitsuki Bakugo?"
"Aunty Mitsuki? She was my mother's best friend. Just... don't let her son be in the same room. He's a jerk."

Appreciating the advice, he stood tall, and bowed slightly, "Understood. I look forward to working with you later, Mr. Midoriya."

He was about to thank the man, but realized... "I never caught your name...?"
Smacking his forehead playfully, he said, "Ah, how silly of me! My name is Richard Rionhato."

Smiling at the man's antics, he thanked the man properly, "Thank you Rionhato."
"No problem." He grinned like the smug lion he was, before leaving.

When he got home, he decided to make an early dinner for himself. Katsudon, like how his mother made it. He put on The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly while he cooked, remembering the good times he watched it with Inko. When he was done, he sat down and continued to watch. Just finishing the food, the doorbell rang, so he paused the movie and went to the door.

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