Exams and the Results

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The next day went by rather quickly. He repaired the door, went and did the written test, and now waited for the practical. The examiner came out. He was shirtless but wore a power suit of his own design. "My name is Powerloader. Your practical is simple. Build something useful in an hour, and we'll rate it on how easy it is to use, its functionality, and its design. However, it won't be so easy... The gate to the practical opened and revealed a mountain of junk. "This is from the beaches... lotta good material here, let's see what you can make!"

Many of the students were stumped, as they thought building with trash was hardly going to make anything to impress the judge, however, Izuku and a few others were well on their way. He had decided to make a utility, a wrist-mounted grappling hook gauntlet that could help with scaling buildings and capturing villains. The design was simple, mechanical, and worked smoothly. He tested the weight capacity, even tying it to a fridge and seeing it work, tested the range, and even tested it to bring stuff to him. Each area worked like a dream. By the time he was putting on finishing touches, Powerloader shouted: "Time's up! Bring your inventions to me please!"

Each person brought what they had to Powerloader. Many of them barely worked, or didn't at all. However, a few brought things that did. One student in particular, Mei Hatsume, brought a fully functional power hammer that caused a concussive explosion that could be wielded by anyone.

"Now, last but hopefully not least..." Izuku stepped forward and presented his gauntlet. "What is your name, quirk, and your device?"
"My name is Izuku Midoriya. I am quirkless..." he could hear people snigger behind him. "And my device is a wrist-mounted grappling hook."

"Could you demonstrate?"
"Certainly," Izuku strapped it onto his arm, and aimed up at the ceiling. Reeling it in, he went up with ease, and lowered himself just as quickly.
"Does this have specifications?"
"Before the hour finished, I was able to test the weight capacity. It can, by itself, lift a normal refrigerator at a rate of 20 m/s. It can also be precise and bring smaller items to you and tether yourself to larger items, such as vehicles or large villains, with ease."

"Functional almost to a fault. The design is streamlined and utilitarian... how does it work?"
"Right now it uses bike chains instead of proper cabling, but it has a storage tank here" He pointed to a part on the gauntlet, "And has no digital parts. This means there can be no misfire or tampering through hackers."

"Completely mechanical? Even Mei's hammer has some digital parts to it. Can I take a closer look?"

"Sure." he took off his gauntlet and gave it to him. Powerloader opened up the device and took a closer look. "Hmm... yes, very complex construction, yet completely mechanical. No digital influence whatsoever... very good. Thank you. You will all receive your grade within the next couple days!"

Izuku called Mitsuki on the way home.

"Hey, how did it go?"
"Went great! The written test was easy, but the practical was right up my alley. Remember how I make gadgets out of scrap?"


"That was basically the test. They're going to send a letter in a day or so, but I think I did good, since Powerloader was impressed with it."
"Good for you! Katsuki had his test today too, and he probably got in."

"Well, I guess we both have a reason to celebrate then."

"Yes. I can't come over for a few days, but we'll celebrate soon, ok?"
"Got it."

When he got home, he bolted the door, just to make sure Katsuki couldn't blow it down again. He relaxed and got settled down for a movie. He chose Hang 'Em High, and watched that until he fell asleep.

The next day went without real issues, he relaxed until noon, when someone knocked at the door. He got up and opened it to see... Powerloader. "Powerloader?"
"Yeah? Can I come in?"
"Uh... Sure. Come in." He opened the door fully.

He sat down in the kitchen, and placed his gauntlet onto the center table. "Here's your gauntlet, a true masterpiece of engineering if I've ever seen one." He pointed behind him. "That door your work too?"
"Yeah. Some idiot used an explosive quirk against it and I had to replace the hinges."
"You did a fine job... such a shame though..."
"Look, I want you in my class... but UA has a strict no-quirkless rule. The staff overrided my vote, sticking to policy. I'm sorry kid, but you can't go to UA."

"Are... are you kidding me?"

"Wish I was. The gear you provided was the best utility gear I've seen in 5 years. You have a lot of potential. Just wish UA would allow you. I'm sorry."
"It's fine." Izuku started to cry. "I just hoped that I could do something right..."
"You have an amazing ability with machines. I wouldn't give that up! Maybe find another school..."

"I had my heart set on UA... it was where all of the best go... But I guess that's another broken dream, huh..."

Powerloader didn't know what to say. "You're gonna be fine kid... Have faith in yourself!"
"Thanks... I just need some time to myself..."
"God, I feel awful for having to tell you this... If you need any tips for engineering, or just want to talk... Call me here." He wrote his phone number on a scrap piece of paper.

"Thanks Powerloader..." Powerloader showed himself out.
Izuku spent the rest of the day in his room, crying at his broken dream.

Mitsuki walked over, going to surprise Izuku with a home-cooked meal to celebrate. She came up to the door and knocked. However, when Izuku opened the door, she was shocked to see him with puffy red eyes. "Have you been crying?"

He let her enter, as he wiped his eyes. "Sorry Aunty..."
"No, don't apologize! What happened?"
"I passed the tests, Powerloader came by himself to congratulate me on the practical... it's just that UA doesn't accept quirkless people on principle..."
"Oh no..." She hugged him. "I'm so sorry..."
"It's ok Aunty... I don't have to go to a school if I don't need to... Mom left me enough to live comfortably for the rest of my life..."
"Don't give up, Izuku! I'm here if you need me..."

"Thanks Aunty... can you stay tonight?"

"Sure." She held up a plastic bag. "I brought dinner."

He smiled. "Thanks... do you mind if we watch a movie with dinner?"
"Sure. You choose."

They settled in and Izuku chose For a Few Dollars More. When Izuku fell asleep, Mitsuki carried him to bed and tucked him in. "Good night, Izuku."

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