chapter 1

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Evan pov

Many people have secrets in their life time and im one of those people. My secret is something that no one knows about and im too scared to even tell and the reason is because im bi but im mostly into guys but I am also married to a woman and I don't know what to do at this point. The reason why im more into guys is because I have developed a crush on my best friend corey scherer but im afraid that he is straight but I will never know if I don't talk to him about this. But today I have decided to get bthe courage to talk to kim about this, which will be extremely hard because she isn't easy going with anything that I tell her. She knows that im bi and is not happy about it. She has been treating me badly and is always calling me a fag and hurting and abusing me. She also forces me to have sex with her and she does that so she can "set me straight" and I always hate it when she does these things. But today I have gained enough courage to tell her I am divorcing her and that im in love with corey and not her and that she can never change me.

'welp here goes nothing.' I thought while standing at the door of our shared room.

"hey babe, can I talk to you please." I said softly.

"ugh sure I guess. What do you want?" she asked looking annoyed at me.

"um well I uh-" I tried saying but I was just too scared.

"come on you are wasting my time." She said even more annoyed.

"im um I – im d-div-vorcing you. " I finally said while shaking.

Within seconds she started punching me in the gut several times and then she starting beating me even more worse than she ever has. After several minutes she stopped.

"haha you are pathetic and weak. You really had the nerve to do this to me and good luck finding someone to love you back you fag." She said as she stomped on my face and slammed the door shut.

After that I finally fell unconscious. Then the next thing I know I am lying awake in a hospital bed surrounded by worried faces who I then recognize as my friends.

"guys, hes awake." Corey said with a smile.

"ugh, where a-am i?" I asked a little groggy.

"your in the hospital. Elton found you passed out and bleeding a lot when he came over to your house." Brandon said worried.

"oh, how long was I out for?" I asked.

"3 days." Jonah said sadly.

"you had us really worried. We thought you were never going to wake up when the doctor told us all the injuries you had and the amount of blood you lost. But the important things is that you are awake." Corey said with a slight smile.

"before we say anything else, what happened to you that caused this to happen?" Elton asked.

'I was afraid they were going to want to know' I thought as I sighed.

"it was kim. She had been doing this to me ever since I told her that I was uh-" I paused and then sighed and continued on. "that I was bi. She hated that I was and always called me a fag and would abuse me and force me to have sex with her only to 'set me straight'. I hated every second of it and if I refused, things would get worse for me. Which then leads to what happened that night." I said deciding to pause.

"what happened?" corbin asked sadly.

"its okay evan, you can tell us." Corey said as he sat down and put his arm around my shoulder making me lean into him. I sighed and finally decided to tell them.

"well I finally got the courage to tell her that im divorcing her and well obviously if you couldn't tell that didn't go well. She got extremely pissed and started beating me and this was the worsed beating that she has ever done to me. It has never gone this far." I took a pause and continued on." There was nothing I could do, so I just continued to let her do this to me because I know I deserve it ans I know shes right I am a fag." I finished as I started to cry leaning into corey even more.

"hey its ok. We promise you that this will never happen ever again." Corey said while tears streamed down his face.

"yeah we are here for you and that it not true. You don't deserve it and your not a fag. Its okay if your bi or even gay. We don't care and we will always support you know matter what." Brandon said sitting down on my other side.

After a few minutes Jonah came back which no one even knew that he left.

"alright I have called the cops and told them what happed and they are now searching for her so they can take her in." Jonah said with a slight smile.

"thanks Jonah." I said with a smile.

"yay he finally smiled." Corbin said excitedly.

I laughed at that and they all smiled when I did. And that's when I realized that I have the greatest friends that anyone could ever have.

"I love you guys." I said looking at them.

"we love you too." They all said.

And with that I was discharched from the hospital and felt my pain lift up knowing that im free. For now.

secrets ~ evan butkaWhere stories live. Discover now