chapter 6

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Evan pov

To what feels like hours we all wake up in a dark room with a single light all chained to the walls of the room.

"ugh what happened? Where are we?" brandon asked.

"I don't know but it seems that she got to all of us." Elton said.

"what are we supposed to do know?" Corbin asked.

"I wish I knew." I said.

All of a sudden a door opens and we see kim come walking in with a bag.

"so whos first? Eenie meenie minie you." She said.

She walks over to corey and unlocks him from his chains and grabs him and brings him out of the room. We all look at each other scared of what she might do to him.

Corey pov

As kim grabs me and throws me into a different room I become even more scared for whats she might do to me.

"what are you going to do to me?" I asked.

"hurt you. Badly." She said.

She then grabs out a metal bat and starts to beat me with it. With each hit I scream in pain. After what seems like forever she puts me in a chair that's placed in the middle of the room.

"what is this?" I asked.

"oh youll see." She said.

As she pressed a button on the chair it shocks me bad causing me to scream in even more pain.

" I'll stops once you stop screaming." She says.

The shocks were so painfull that I just couldn't stop. After what seems like an hour I pass out from the amount of pain that im in.

Evan pov

For what seems like hours and the constant torure of coreys scream, she comes back with him unconscious.

"I'll be back for one of you." She said.

this is gonna be one hell of a painfull and torturous ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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