chapter 3

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corey pov

it has been 3 long and painful weeks since the incident with evan and we were all starting to get more and more worried than ever when evan was in the hospital because of kim. The reason being is because he has been hiding in his room and would not come out or even let us in and he wont even speak to anyone and he has barely ate any food or drink anything every time we offer something . Every time I walk by his room I always here him crying. It always breaks my heart when I hear it but today that all changes because I have decided to go talk to him and confess to him how I truly feel about him.

"hey evan can I please come in." I asked.

"no." evan said sadly.

"please evan, you haven't even come out of that room once since we got home 3 weeks ago and you aren't even been eating or drinking anything that we offer and that's not good for you." I said worriedly.

"again I said no and I don't care. I don't want anything." He said.

"well you should care because If you don't then you will die and nobody wants that for you." I said starting to get scared.

"good, I hope I die. Nobody could ever love a fag like me. And can you please just leave me alone." He said starting to get annoyed.

With those words, it immediately broke my heart.

'why would he ever say something like that' I thought as I started to cry.

After sitting there for a bit crying a here a click which I realize the door has been unlocked. I open it and I see blood everywhere, but luckily no unconscious evan.

"what the hell did you do." I said looking at him.

When I look down I see his arms all cut up.

"why." I said as more tears formed in my eyes.

"because I can and I just don't deserve to live anymore. I don't deserve to live because im a fa-" he said but I grabbed him hands and pulled him into a hug.

"don't you ever do or say that. You do deserve to live and you are not a fag evan. Non of us think of you like that." I said as I started to cry.

"really?" evan said looking at me.

"of cource evan and I do love you the way you are but I love you more than you realize." I said.

Once our eyes met we both lean in with only our lips an inch apart. After a second, our lips met. After a few seconds I pull away and we both smile looking at eachother.

"I will always love you no matter what and I care too much about to see you like this. So will you promise me to never cut again and will you promise me that you will come with me and eat." I said looking at him smiling.

"I promise." He said.

We both then kiss again but then things got a little more heated. After a few minutes of us making out we decided to head on downstairs hand in hand smiling. Once they saw us come down, they all started to smile when they saw our hands together. And in that moment we all knew that the evan we knew was back and was never leaving us again. But that was what we all thought for now.

secrets ~ evan butkaWhere stories live. Discover now