chapter 5

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Corbin pov

"what do you mean shes back?"I said looking at evan.

He held up this paper he said he had found when he went to go check to see who knocked.

"the note that I found is from her. I wasn't going to tell any of you until this happened and I knew I just couldn't hide. She said that she would kill all of us if I told you but she will do it no matter what and I think shes trying to get rid of you first." Evan said looking at corey.

" wait so you mean to tell me she escaped prison and is now after us." Jonah said while freaking out.

"yup. But I have the feeling she had help." Evan said curiously.

A few days went by and so far nothing happened. For now. Corey hasn't been doing too great ever since he coughed up a blade. When I woke up this morning I had a killer headache and ever since I took some medicine, things haven't been doing well for me. My head constantly feels like its about to explode and after a few hours of this I end up blacking out.

Brandon pov

I have been worried about corbin all day because he has been having this killer headache. I decided to go check on him and when I got to the top of the stairs I heard a lound thump and ran to our room and saw him passed out on the floor.

"oh my god corbin." I said panicking.

"what was tha-oh my what happened to him." Elton said looking at corbin.

"i-I don't know I went to go check on him and heard a thump and came in here to find him like this.

"guys you might want to see this." Evan yelled running into the room as everyone followed behind.

He showed us the pill bottle that corbin has been using and we all realized that something is under the peel. I grabbed it and peeling it off and was shocked when I realized what it was. Poison. I started crying and was scared that I was going to lose him.

"hey its going to be okay. Lets check it to see if it says anything that might help us save him." Jonah said taking the bottle from me.

As he looked he found something and ran to the bathroom and grabbed a few things and came back. Without saying anything he mixed the stuff together and then gave it to corbin. After a few seconds he wakes up.

"ugh what happened?" corbin said a little groggy.

"you were poisoned by kim." I said.

"wait what." He said looking scared.

"yeah and Jonah what was that?" Elton asked looking at jonah confused.

" it was the antidote." Joanh said showing us the bottle.

"thanks for saving him." I said hugging him.

"no problem man." Jonah said hugging me back.

"we really have to be more careful now. We don't know who could be next." Corbin said.

"hes right. She is unpredictable and we have no clue what she is capable of so now we must stick together and make sure nothing happens to anyone. Whos in." evan said putting his hand in the middle.

We all do the same thing and then out of no where smoke starts to fill and room and then the next thing I knew, we all pass out.

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