chapter 4

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Evan pov

It has been 3 long and painful weeks for me but ever since corey came into my room and told me he felt the same way life has started to become amazing.

It has now been 4 weeks but it has been 2 weeks since the last time I did bad things and that's all thanks to corey and of course my friends. They have all helped me in so many ways to keep me smiling and they helped me forget everything that happened in the past. I couldn't have it any other way.

"morning babe." I said roling over to look at my boyfriend.

"mornin'." He said smiling.

We kissed for a few seconds and then we got up and got dressed and headed down for breakfast.

"morning eltonio." Corey said walking over to him.

"morning weirdo." Elton said.

"oh something smells good. Whats for breakfast?" Jonah asked walking into the kitchen.

"eggs, bacon, sausage and some toast." Elton said pointing to each food.

"smells delicious as always babe." Ginger said while kissing him on the cheek.

We all sat down at the table and started eating. While we ate, we all talked for a bit until corbin spoke up.

"guys can I tells you something?" corbin asked nervously.

"of course. You can tell us anything corbs." Brandon said.

" well um I uh-." He tried saying but he then took a deep breathe and continued telling. "guys, im bi and I might have a crush on you."

As he said that he looked at brandon when he said 'you'.

"wait really?" brandon asked smiling.

"maybe." Corbin said smirking.

They then kissed.

"aw." We all said except corey gagged.

"get a room weirdos." Corey said sarcasticly.

"how about no." brandon said whiling kissing corbin on the cheek and once again corey gagged.

We all laughed and talked for a bit more. We all stopped when we heard a knock on the door.

"did anyone order anything or ask for anyone to come over?" Jonah asked looking outside through the curtain.

"no why?" I asked.

"because no one is at the door." Jonah said looking at us confused.

" let me go check."I said getting up.

I headed for the door and opened it. I looked around and saw nothing.

"anything?" ginger asked.

"no but there is a piece of paper on the ground." I said while picking it up.

I read it and was shocked and scared.

Dear evan,

Im back baby and no one can stop me. I am coming for you and I will kill any one who gets in my way and neither can you. You might want to be careful what you do and say. And DON'T say anything about what this note says or I will kill them one-by-one until your next. Bye bye for now fag.

P.S you might want to get to your boyfriend.

Love your secret killer

After I read it I didn't know what to do and I knew I had to tell them but I didn't want them to die. So I decided to wait to tell them when we are able to catch her and throw her back in jail so she can never bother us or me again. I was really confused about that last part until I heard choking. I ran into the dining room and saw corey choking and coughing up blood. We tried to stop it but we couldn't until we heard a clink.

"omg corey are you okay?" brandon asked looking worried.

"babe talk to me." I said.

"ugh ye-yeah i-im f-fi-ine." He said gasping and wiping his mouth.

" what the hell just happened and what the hell came out of your mouth.

I grabbed the object and cleaned it off and then gasped when I realized what it was.

It was a blade and not just any blade. It was the blade I used to cut myself.

"i-it's a blade." I said looking really scared.

And in that moment, I realized what the p.s meant and I knew I couldn't hide it anymore.

"shes back and shes coming to kill us all." I said looking at them all.


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