chapter 2

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Corey pov

Its been 3 days since Elton found evan unconscious and bleeding everywhere. We have been very worried about him ever since we saw him in the condition that he was in, but I was the one who worried the most about him because I secretly have a crush on him and i always had and yes, im gay. But the only problem is with that, is that hes married to kim and he always looks happy with her and because of that, there is no way he would ever like me in that way. As we all sit around him I start to noticing him waking up.

(you already know what happens)

Elton decided to ask him what happened and it took him awhile but he told. As I sat there listening to everything, it just broke my heart that something like this would ever happen to someone like him. The only thing that made me smile was that he told us that he was bi. When I looked at him, he looked very sad so I pulled him into me to comfort him and he then continued the story. After he finished we all were very sad and I was on the verge of tears. He said things that broke my heart and started to cry and that broke my heart even more. After a few minutes of sitting there and comforting him, we all left after he was discharged.

"hey Elton." I said calling to Elton.

"whats up buddy." Elton said still looking sad like the rest of us.

"why don't we let him stay with us for a while until he gets better." I said looking at evan.

"of cource. I think that would be best for him." Elton said with a slight smile.

"hey evan, is it okay if you stay with us for a while until you get better?" I asked.

"um yeah sure that would be great." He said smiling.

"great." I said smiling.

We all head for the car and make are way to the house.

(in this instead of it being Elton corey ginger chaz and wes, its Elton ginger corey corbing brandon and Jonah. Evan never lived with them because of his wife.)

Once we got to the house we decided that we were all hungry.

"man I am starving. Anyone want uber eats?" Jonah asked as he waved his phone with the app opened.

"omg yes I am really starving." Corbin said holding his stomach.

"how about you evan. You want anything." Asked Jonah asked.

"nah im just gonna lay down for a bit, im just not feeling great." He said.

"oh okay well let us know if you do want anything." Elton said looking confused.

"okay." He said as he made his way upstairs.

"should we check up on him, im actually a little worried." Brandon said pointing to upstairs.

"lets wait until morning. We probably should let him rest." Elton said looking at everyone.

I wanted to check up on him so badly but I knew Elton was right. He probably does need to rest. After we ate our food we all decided to go to bed since non of us really got any of sleep these past few days. As I tried to go to sleep, I just couldn't stop thinking about.

'ill just wait until morning and then ill see if he really is okay." I thought to myself as I finally go to sleep.

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