The 67th seal

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We brought Crowley to Bobby's and we never stopped driving. In the front was Dean driving and Sam in the passenger seat, behind Dean was Cas then in the middle was Crowley and behind Sam was me. When we got to Bobby's it was 7 am on Friday...we left Wednesday at 4 am.

"Have you igites ever herd of sleep?" Bobby grumbled then he saw Crowley " Aw no not you again"
"Fraid so Bobby it's been to long"
"Shut up both of you" Dean yelled
"You know the deal, you tell us what's happening and we will put an end to it" Sam said
"With my help" Crowley replied
"What's happening right now" Bobby asked Cas
"We are trying what you call an...interrogation" Cas replied
"Alright all I know is tha one of Yellow Eyes kid is tryen to raise Lucifer and a pissed of Michel from their cage" Crowley said
"Lucifer rising, again?" Cas questioned
"Bobby, do some researching and tell us if this is posible" Sam asked
"No need, it's not" Cas and Crowley said at the same time
"Then what is this crack head doing" Bobby asked
"Trying to raise Lucifer, those damn Demands really must hate us if there trying to raise that chuckle head again" Dean said "no offense guys" looking to Sam and I
"So what was in that building" I asked,
"A list of the seals she's trying to brake there princess" Crowley replied
"She" Bobby asked
"Who Meg, it can't be Ruby again she's dead " Sam asked
"Who's Ruby" I asked
"His Demand lover that made him brake the last seal" Crowley replied
"Don't worry April we killed her, I was stupid, and vulnerable, it doesn't matter" Sam replied
"The first one says a weak witch will make a hunter pay" Cas said
(ring ring)
"Hello Rufus (*) what's wrong"

"Wait what she just dropped and her skin"

"What her skin is melting. Oh God"

"Okay bring her here we gotta ask you some questions"
"Rufus" Sam asked
"Ya" Bobby answered "his new partner Millie, just melted, he found a hex bag in the glovebox"
"Great seal 67 is brocken" Dean said
"Fabulous only 65 left" I said said sarcastically
"Ay be appy all the seals she gunna brake are on this list" Crowley said
"Right so we can try to figure out who's braking all the seals" Bobby added
"Remember she doesn't have to use these, there are over 600 seals out there" Cas added also
"She's to organized look at this, she planed the whole thing so she wouldn't mess it up" I said studying the list
"It's got a fold" Sam pointed out, I pulled the pieces apart
"It's got all the states she's gunna brake them in and the dates" I said
"This is perfect" Bobby said "we can stop her"
"Let's go to the next state...New York"
"Cas we can't morph you as-" Dean yelled
(Whoosh) "ya I relised that when I got there"
"So how does one" I asked Sam
"Well I seem to die just like every other human so if we stab her with an Demond blade it's like 2 birds with 1 stone"
"I'm confused how did the birds become apart of this" Cas asked
"It's a metaphor ya leprechaun shit"
"Hay" I yelled as I wailed my fist at him, it hit him square in the nose it started bleeding
"Wow Sammy you picked yourself a feisty one" Dean teased
"Shut it Dean"
"Crowley you swear to help us" Cas asked
"Ya if princess stops flying fists"
"Sorry" not
"Then Cas, Crowley you two head to New York and we'll drive there, look for leads but don't make any moves" Dean said
"Thank you april" Cas said
"Of corse Cas, you guys are my only family now, I always defend my family" I replied
"Cas your in charge" Sam tolled them
"Bobby you know the drill with Rufus just let us know what's up" Dean said
"We'll be there in about 4 days, wich is right before the seal is supposed to be broken" Sam said
"Alright 1, 2, 3, go" (whoosh...whoosh) Cas and Crowley where gone and Dean, Sam and I where getting ready to pack into a car and head out.
"Bobby please keep in touch" I told him then gave him a kiss on the cheeck
"Bye lil' lady, bye boys, be safe"

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