Death and war

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I had been in the cell for a little over a week about 8 days and no monsters had come to get me yet when I herd hissing which meant blood.
"Dean pass the silver bullets" I heard Sam yell from far away
"Guys over here help" I cried out
"Sam did you here...gaa...that was April" I herd Dean yell I was pretty sure they where in combat
"This way" Sam yelled they where getting closer
"2 guards both Demonds" I yelled
"Dean left"
"Got it"
"Me to" Sam said "April where's the key"
" the boot of the tallest guard" I replied the door clicked and Sam stumbled in covered in the blood of well...things and Dean had a bloody nose and was soaked in blood too
"Sam, Dean" I yelled as I stuck my hand through the cell door
"We're coming April" Sammy said opening up the gate
I ran and hugged him
"I missed you Sammy"
"It's okay we've got you now"
I turned and saw Dean
"Dean" I yelled as I jumped into his arms
"We missed you"
"I missed you to"
"Where's Cas" I asked
"With an old friend trying to find a way in" Dean replied
(Whoosh) "some things wrong we were allowed in" Cas said while holding Ash's hand
"Ash" I yelled and I slapped him
"Ow" he said then I hugged him
"I missed you so much" I cried into his shoulder
"I know A I know"
"Cas" I hugged him
"Okay so we have to take down Her, Crowley, Alison and the shifter" Sam informed me
"How do you know about Alison" I asked
"That would be me" Ash said, Ash was my best friend, but when he disappeared 2 years ago I knew he was never coming back but now I can tell he's a vampire and I don't know if I want to kiss him hug him or kill him
"Let's go then" I said
"Wait there is something wrong" Cas said again
"That's right Castiel" I herd a woman say *
"Rafael, what are you doing here" Cas asked
"Well I'm here to fight" she/he replied (obviously he had an interesting choice in vessels) "heaven was getting to...crowded"
Cas slipped an Angel blade, but not his, to me knowing I was good at killing angels. (Whoosh...whoosh) He showed up behind Rafael but he turned around and grabbed the blade then held it to Cas's neck.
"Cas no" I tossed my blade Cas caught it and pushed it into Rafael's chest he lit up and we closed our eyes then her body was lifeless on the floor and Rafael's wings where blown out in black.
"Let's go" Cas said leading us to the room where all the "people" always come from another picking up his blade and handing me the other one.
"Here" Ash said handing me the Demond blade "I don't know how to use it" he confessed
"Well I do" I thanked him
We walked through the door Cas first, Sam and I side by side behind him, Dean behind us and Ash 5 feet behind him. Cas took out 3, I took out 2, Sam 2, Dean 4, and Ash used his super speed to take out 8.
"That one...the door there" I said pointing to the door on the left "I know cause I can here it squeak and that door is newer"
"Great I can smell them to" ash reassured, Dean pushed the door opened (squeak) and there was a little girl 2 women and Crowley
"Alison" I greeted "Crowley"
"Hello pet" she snickered
"Crowley what the hell" Sam asked as he charged toward him and pushed him against the wall
"Sammy you know you can't strangle me to death" Crowley chuckled
"That's right" Sam agreed and toed him over to me I threw the knife and it stuck threw his chest
"April..." Crowley croaked as the shifter screamed
"Sorry ass-hat" I said

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