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It was a few days after my vision and we had a lead on Her as we've come to call the seal breaker. In my vision we saw her walking down fourth avenue so Crowley and Cas went to check it out and he found a nice layer of skin that had a trench coat around it so we suspect the shape shifter and Her where there. We checked the list and the third seal says Those Who Must Talk Back Never Will...
"Great so that narrows it down to every teenage girl in Wisconsin" Bobby grumbled
"Well April did see the last seals before it broke so maybe if we just head to the heart of Wisconsin then we may see the seal" Cas added
"Sounds good to me" Sam added. Sam and my relationship had progressed from slight kissing to staying in the same bed, but we haven't actually...
"Ya me to, just keep a wet cloth ready" I said referring to the headache I get, Dean, Sam and I all loaded into the car and told Cas and Crowley the back seats where always open for them so they could check in. From Bobby's house it took about a week to get to the heart of Wisconsin. We checked into a hotel room around 4 pm and went through the plan again
"When you find out where we are going" Dean reminded " you've gotta tell us where and when"
"Got it"
"Then we figure out how to stop it some how" Sam added
(Whoosh) "Right then we actually stop it" Crowley added
"Great so is everyone in agreement" Cas asked
"Ya" -"Sure"-"Peachey"-"Indeed" Me-Sam-Dean-Crowley agreed. The night crawled up on us and Cas and Crowley went out to occupy themselves. Dean crawled into the left bed and Sam and I crawled into the other, Sam kissed me goodnight and we all drifted off to sleep.
Ba boom, ba boom I could hear my heart beat in my head I reached around me and felt something, no someone, it was Sam I grabbed ahold of him
"Ow, April what's wro......." I didn't hear the rest of what Sam said I saw a girl sitting I front of a mirror listing to her mother yell at her "what ever mom" then her lips started to go beat red then they started sowing together she started screaming and looked out her window I saw her mail box it said 188 on it, there was a street sign said Weaklend Road.
(Gasp...gasp) "April are you there" Sam had me pressed against him all the boys where surrounding me
"Did you see where is was"
"(Gasp) 188 Weaklend... Lips...together...sewn"
"Okay...okay" Sam said
"April try deep breths" Cas said dabbing my head again
"Okay...okay" I said with deep breaths
"Wow so little sassy girls get their lips sewn together" Crowley asked
"Apparently"Dean said
"Okay so how do we stop it"
Ba boom ba boom I blacked out again I saw the mom her breath it was foggy or steam or like when you stand outside in the cold and see your breath, like that
"Wow a double vision" Cas asked
"Ya...ya (gasp) ghost its a ghost" I stuttered, they looked at me oddly
"Well maybe Her killed a person a sewed her lips and now she's all pissed off and trying to get revenge" Dean said
"Bloody perfect, bam another seal broken" Crowley concluded
"According to the moon (gasp) it happens at about 8 tonight" I said
(Whoosh) Cas disappeared (whoosh) he was back with about 4 shopping bags
"Cas where the hell did you go" I asked
"I went to get salt"
"Okay so let's salt the whole house" Sam said
"Agreed" Cas gave Crowley the bags
"Bring these there" he said "Sam pick up April"
"Why would he-" Sam hoisted me into his arms Cas put his middle and pointer on Sam and Dean's head
Sam put me down and we where in front of the house
"We have less than an hour to do this" Dean informed
"Ok April and I will take the left and front you and Cas take the back and right" Sam commanded
"Wha about me" Crowley pouted
"You can keep watch" I said
"Fabulous" Crowley frowned he dropped the bags and started watching
"Not what she ment" Dean grumbled
"Dean I think we should start salting" Cas interrupted so we split up and started salting we finished 20 minutes faster that expected
"Great job now what are we gunna do" Crowley complained
"Let's check in with Bobby" Sam suggested
(ring ring)
"Hay Bobby"

"We finished"

"Great so did you find anything like a missing persons report or something"

"Bupkiss, great"

"Ya ok so keep in touch"
"Bobby has nothing" Dean informed after his brief call with Bobby
"Great" I said "nothing like being in the dark" the 20 minuets couldn't have passed slower if we where riding turtles in circles
"Amanda Lee Kees put away your clothes for the last time"
"Give me a minuet"
The home owners started arguing and I saw my breath
"Did anyone else see that" I asked
"Ya" Crowley replied
"Me too" Sam agreed
"Look" I said shakily pointing toward the road, there was a girl with long red hair wearing a pair of blue short shorts and a grey tank top with no shoes on...and her lips where sewn closed
(Click) Crowley took a fricken picture of her
"What did you just do" Dean mumbled
"I'm sending a picture to Bobby" he said
"Listen you don't have to her them" I said
"April don't" Sam pleaded
"Just give me a chance" I begged "I know they hurt you and you can help us get pay back" I offered her she gave me a sad look and a blood tear dripped down her eye
"You don't have to hurt these innocent kids" Dean added
"Their right you know" I added
"Can you show us your name" Sam asked she disappeared then reappeared next to Cas he jumped she took his arm and carved her name into it with her nails
"Ow" Cas cried out
"What does it say" Crowley asked
"It says Maddie" I said
"Maddie will you help us" she nodded and came up to me she looked at me and I let her then she hugged me and cried more
"Its okay Maddie it's okay" I said she let go and half smiled
She led me to the street sign and pointed north then held up 4 fingers
"So if we go this way and stop at the fourth street sign..."I asked
She nodded
"Great then will you meet us there and show us where you are" Sam asked
she nodded again
"Okay see you there" I smiled at her, we walked for 15 minuets she appeared
"Okay let's go now" Crowley begged again
"Zip it Crowley just go somewhere else" I snapped
"Where do we go now Maddie" Castiel asked
She started walking
"Fallow her" Cas said "I'll watch Crowley" Cas added
"Okay" I said staying behind her Sam was next to me and Dean was far behind us
She turned to us and pointed to a nice house
"May we" I asked
She shook her head no
"Can I" I asked
She nodded yes
"April please" Sam pleaded I got on my tiptoes and kissed him
"I'll be okay I trust her"
She walked in and up the stairs I fallowed her of course
"Are you scared Maddie" I asked
She didn't look back instead she walked through a door
"Can I come in"
She knocked on the door and opened it, her body was sitting there the skin of the shifter was there on the floor
she grabbed the lipstick and started writing on the wall (the little girl didn't want to hurt me but the woman made her so the girl tied me up and handed the woman a sewing kit) she stopped and she couldn't go on
"Maddie if I cut the strings on your body can you talk to me"
She nodded rapidly and pointed to the scissors on her night stand, I picked them up and walked over to her and cut one of the threads then looked at her ghost and her mouth was starting to open so I cut more of it until all of it was gone
"Thank you" she cried
"Maddie do you mind if we call a reaper named Tessah that Dean knows and we can have a cremation ceremony then we can burry your ashes" I asked
"Please anything you can do to help me please"
"Okay come on we can go ask the boys" I said we walked down the stairs of her house
"Dean call Tessah Sam go start a fire I'll dig a grave" I ordered
"Okay" Dean said awkwardly, we split up and started getting work done Tessah showed up and somehow like a Hell-Hound I could see her
"Tessah this is Maddie"
"Hay Maddie" Tessah greeted
"Sam ready" Dean yelled
"Ya Sammy I'm ready"
"Goodbye Maddie" I said
"Goodbye April, thank you" Tessah reaped Maddie and now all we had to do was burn her and burry her Cas and Crowley showed up and helped us after her spirit left
"Sam" I asked
"Ya A" he replied
"Can we call good ghosts a Grace" I asked thinking that there wasn't a name for nice ones
"That's a great idea April" Dean passed out bottles of bear and we all raised our glasses
"To Maddie the worlds first Grace" I said
"And to April for stoping 2 out of 3 seals" Sam added
"Cheers" we all said and drank

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