Goodbye New York

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The next seal was An Area of Greatness Filled with Crime will Soon Meet, it's Final Time. We got to the motel we would be staying at, it was called The Nolan Inn. We asked for the usual room with a cot. Dean and Sam did Rock, Paper, Scissors, Dean won which meant the got a bed, then Sam and I played Sam won which meant I got the cot. Cas and Crowley showed up and then I heard the weirdest thing
"Oy Cas you gotta get me more of these" Crowley was holding up a burger
"Cas please not again" Dean said "last time you lost count, I think you said low hundreds"
"It's okay Dean we're sharing" Crowley said, Cas looked happy
"So did you guys find anything on the girl" Sam asked
"Yes and no" Cas said "we found out what she's going to destroy but not who she is"
"The lil' lady's a smart one" Crowley said in agreement
"Okay is anyone else freaked out a bit and X-Angel and the King of Hell bean all buddy, buddy" I asked
"Ya starting to get the vibe" Dean said
"She's trying to demolish all of New York" Cas continued obviously trying to change the subject
"Great" Sam said
(ring ring ring)
"Hay Bobby what took ya so long"

"Ok well anyways we figured out what she's going to do"

"No not her name..."

"She wants to destroy New York"
" BALLS" we herd Bobby yell
"Ya I know"

"How'd it go with Rufus"

"He thinks it's another seal too"

"Great well get a good rest you deserve it bye"
"We all better get some sleep tomorrow we have a major hunt" Dean said, Cas and Crowley went out to get some more burgers and we all went to bed. I woke up at about 2am the room was freezing but not ghost freezing, apparently Sam was cold to cause or he noticed I was cause I was living in his bed next to him. Nothing happened right? Right...good I guess...

"Good morning April" I herd Sam whisper in my ear
"Morning Sammy"
"I um...saw you where cold...I hope you don't mind..."
"No not at all thank you" I said Sam leaned in and kissed me, the kiss was long, passionate, and sweet.
"Sammy are you awake" Dean said
"Ya Dean I'm up" Sam said cutting our kiss shorter than expected
"Where's April"
"I think in the bathroom" Sam said "go" he whispered, I snuck out and got up in the bathroom then walked out
"You two finally up" I said
"Ya princess were up" Dean said, I went over to Sam and gave him a quick kiss,
"Coffee is coming I just texted Cas"
"Morning" Crowley greeted
"April your lucky we where at a coffee shop we almost left Carson street then we got your's your coffee" Cas said waving around a big box of coffee
"Ya Cas you rock" Dean said launching ford to the coffee
"You seem to have almost as much interest in that as you do in alcohol" Cas said
A few hours had passed we had called Bobby and tried to get some leads when...
(Whoosh...bang, bang, bang,) "Castiel!?!?"
"Castiel if I were you I would get out of here soon"
"Please come in Danalie" the door opened and a man in his mid 40s came in
"Castiel what are you doing with 2 of Azazel's children and the King of Hell"
"It's ok we are trying to stop someone from blowing up New York" I said
"Well you can't stop me why would you" the man said
"What" Dean asked "why would you blow up New York"
"We got information that an Angel out brake had occurred and we need to demolish any sign of our kind" Danalie said
My head started pounding and I felt myself falling inch by inch then Cas caught me and I blacked out
I saw the Statue of Liberty in flames buildings burning, people screaming and the back of a girls head she was walking away with something I think it was a shape shifter in mid worp, it looked a bit like Cas at first then it changed into a little girl
"April that's it come on..."
"What just happened" Danalie asked, Sam was holding me again Cas was next to him at my head dabbing it with a wet cloth
"She had another vision" Crowley explained
"Okay deep breaths A it's okay I've got you what happened"
"(Gasp) Danalie who reported the...the lead"
"I can ask"
There was a long silence
"They say Castiel reported it"
"That's impossible I was with all of you or Crowley"
"There was a (gasp) shape shifter with her (gasp) the Statue of Liberty and other buildings in New York where (gasp) on...on fire"
"It's ok it's ok" Sam said trying to comport me
"Alright chuckles who else is blowing up New York" Dean asked
"I'm powerful enough as is" he replied
"Okay well you can't kill all of New York Danalie"
"You have my word" (whoosh)
"Ya April"
"I saw the back of her head (gasp) she's our age and she has a young side kick who's a (gasp) shape shifter"
"Great so that narrows it down to about 4,000 people"
"Dean she had a rough time with that vision" Cas said in my defense
"Get some rest April you deserved it" Sam said, he brought me to bed and I fell asleep at about 10 pm...

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