Life of a hunter

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Sam, Dean, Bobby and I where sitting there eating lunch after they explained it all, Yellow Eyes, Angels, Demonds, Hunters, Michel, Lucifer and the phones Bobby has labeled F.B.I, Federal Marshal, Centers Disease Control, and Health Marshal.
Cas as I've come to call him, went off somewhere for a lead on a shapeshifter stealing random keys. When we finished Cas came back and whispered the lead to Dean (Cas doesn't trust any of Yellow Eyes's children including Sammy) Dean ignored Cas's warning because Yellow Eyes is dead and packed Sammy and I into the car
"April please just stay behind me, we can't let you get hert" Sam said
"Why, it's not like Cas would mind" I replied
"Okay princess why don't you show my brother and I some respect because we saved your little ass" Dean snapped
"It's the truth Sam"
"Fine I'll stay behind you both"
Sam, Dean and I finally came up to this huge building where we went into the trunk of the car a loaded up *. Then we went into the huge building where in this room there was over 1,000 keys and me standing in the corner
"What the hell"
"It's ok, it's not you, we know that, the shifter just took your form" Sammy said never taking he eyes off fake me, then (bang, bang, bang) Dean shot the crap out of the thing with silver bullets.
"Nice one Dean" Sam said then we drove off in their black 1967 Chevy Impala, that was given to Dean by his father with the license plate KAZ 2Y5. * We drove to the nearest motel, Cozy Creek.
"Um...can I help you"said the 17 year old looking at the 3 of us
"3 queen beads please, or 1 room with a cot" Dean said
"Ok we'll send up a cot to room 42 level 3, that'll be $125"
"Thank you" Sam said, we walked to the elevator and got in. I pressed the level 3 button.
"Ok 40, 41, oh 42" Sam slid the key card into the slot and the door opened to a nice room with white sheeted beds with blue comforters, and a cooshie cot with blue sheets and a white comforter.
"I call a bed" I said then collapsed on the closest one
"1, 2, 3" Sam said, Dean held up scissors Sam rock
"2 out of 3" Dean said
"Dean you always do that"
"1, 2, 3" Sam rock, Dean scissors
"Damn it"
Dean collapsed on the cot and Sam pulled into the other bed, as soon as we where about to fall asleep Dean's phone went off
"What" Dean said in a grumpy sleeping voice

"Wait wait slow down" Dean sat up so did Sam and I

"Okay well we're in room 42 level 3 of Cozy Creek" (whoosh) Cas showed up covered in blood his head and chest was bleeding with what looked like claw marks
"Oh my god Castiel" I rushed over and pushed him onto my bed I ran to get a wet cloth
"Cas what the hell happend" Sam asked
"I think I was attacked by a Hell-hound" Cas replied "I was talking to a girl who bet her sole so she could cure her father of cancer so I could find a lead on Crowley, and it came after her then me" I started cleaning off the blood from his head
"Those damn things, Me, Jo, then you, I'm gunna kill Crowley if we ever find him"
"Who's Crowley" I asked as Cas yelled ow when I touched his cut with the cloth "Sorry Cas but I need to clean it if Sam's gunna stitch it up"
"Crowley is the king of the cross roads\Hell he sends Hell-hounds to get people who are supposed to go to hell" Dean replied I finally cleaned Cas up and asked why he didn't heal
"I'm not sure April and thank you"
"Of corse Cas" Sam started fixing him up with tooth floss, a sewing needle and 1/5 of whiskey"

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