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It had been months sense the world first grace named Maddie had been crossed over (5). It had also been 17 more seals sense then. We had won 12/20 of them, Her had progressed to doing about 2 or 3 at the same time. The vision for the 14th seal had landed me on my ass on the couch at Bobby's for a week because it was so powerful. We also had "ganked", as Dean calls it, a vamp, 12 Demands, 2 weres, 4 gouls, 1 roogeroo, 2 sirens, and 7 skin walkers in the process. Cas had to go back to heaven more and more because the civil war keeps getting worse and worse, at least 5 of his own brothers and sisters have come after him, listing to Rafael. Crowley had some Demands to take care of some times, so every now and then it was just the 3 of us. I had gotten used to going to the store just to buy beer, pie, salads and chips about every 2 days. Then one day after going to the store I came back to see Sam on the floor hunched over coughing up blood and Dean doing the same, I looked around the corner to see Cas tied up beaten up bloody and a woman with brown short hair siting talking in a quiet voice to him with her hands in fists
"Castiel I don't have to make your boyfriends suffer but because your so hard to work with I have to" she whispered, no one noticed me around the corner behind the counter, I looked around to see Cas's Angel blade on Dean's bed I crawled over to it trying not to throw up or cry and then I grabbed a hold of it and tip toed over to her when she turned around
"Oh Cas you brought more friends to play with lucky me" she went to grab a hold of me but instead what she did was grabbed a hold of the Angel blade
"Ow you little bitch your gunna pay"
"No I'm sorry no refunds" as I pushed to blade into her chest then I close my eyes as she started lighting up then boom the out line of black wings was left on the floor.
"I'm so sorry Cas" I said as I untied him and hugged him
"It's okay April don't feal bad" he said hugging me back, when he let go I ran the Dean and Sam I helped them up and Cas came over do and put his hand on their chest and healed them
"She was crushing their lungs" he informed me
"Damn angels" Dean snapped "sorry Cas"
"It's okay I understand" he replied
"Sam are you okay" I asked he seemed to still be having a tough time
"Ya ya I'm good" he stood up straiter
"We should get out of here" I yelled over the sound of sirens, Sam hoisted me up Dean grabbed our bags and (whoosh) we where at the front lobby of another hotel thank god the receptionist was sleeping
"Um...hello" Cas said
"I'm awake!!!! I mean hello 2 rooms" she asked looking at Cas and Dean then Sam and I
"Why does everyone think I'm gay" Dean muttered
"No just 1 please"
"All righty then" she handed us a key then we walked to room 108 ground floor. I jumped into the closest bed Sam got into the shower and Dean started cleaning his face of blood
"Night boys" I mumbled
"Night April" Dean offered
"Goodnight April" Cas said, a few minuets later I herd the lights come of and Sam came into bed next to me.

"Sam I'm so sorry" I herd Crowley whisper then he pit his hand on my ass and (whoosh) we where somewhere else I wasn't sure where, but I was awake enough to relies it was gunna be bad.
"Morning sun shine" I herd Crowley say
"Crowley, what the hell" I yelled
"Im sorry but I have to take you" i looked around and I was in a jail type thing and my arms where tied, i felt a tear escape *
"Crowley please I trusted you god damned Cas trusted you we all did" i cried
"Im so sorry" he replied

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