Twenty Three

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"THIS is seriously the best thing ever," my roommate Annabelle practically moans as she licks the cake batter off the large spoon.

"Thank my nanny cause it was the only thing she knew how to bake, and I went through a phase where all I wanted was crumb cake. So we made it every single week for almost a year," I tell her as I finish crumbling the cinnamon mixture on top of the cake before sliding the pan into the oven.

It's late. Like really late. But neither of us could sleep so we stayed up and binged half a season of Grey's Anatomy. Annabelle has rewatched the show many times, but this is my first time. We just finished season five and I'm beyond hooked. Especially after that finale.

I've decided my goal in life is to be Christina Yang. But as a lawyer. She's truly my idol.

"You have to tell me if Izzie and George are alive," I insist as I wash my hands of all the sugar and butter.

My roommate shakes her head while scraping another scoop of batter from the large bowl. "You have to wait and watch," she sings with a full mouth.

I narrow my eyes playfully. "I'll just look it up," I counter sassily.

"Jameson! Don't!" she yells but it somehow still comes off nice. She's the purest soul and not even me looking up spoilers for her all time favorite show could bring out the rage in her. This is why I love her.

She loves more fiercely than she could ever hate. It takes a strong person to be open to so much love, because being that open for the good means you are wide open for the bad that inevitably follows.

I quickly set the timer on the oven before I forget. "Fine, fine," I relent with ease. She's been waiting so long for me to watch this show. I can't look up spoilers now. "Just for you."

"Thank you! The next season is one of my favorites, you're going to love it," she tells me as she continues to eat the delicious batter from the bowl.

"You say that every season Anna," I point out.

She waves her spoon in the air before pointing it directly at me. "Well I really mean it this time."

"Yeah, yeah," I tease lightheartedly. I lean over to see almost all the cake batter is gone. "Hey! Don't eat it all," I yell at her. Everyone knows the batter or the dough is the best part about baking.

"You snooze, you lose," she taunts with a bright smile as she jerks the bowl out of my reach.

My arms cross over my chest as I shoot her a playful glare. "You mean I do all the work and don't get any of the benefits?"

Annabelle pauses the scraping of her spoon at my words. "I think you just described being a woman," she remarks.

My lips purse at her realization. "That's depressing. Now I really deserve a bite," I tell her.

"True. Here," she gives in, handing me the bowl and another large spoon.

I take a couple bites reveling in the sweet taste of the vanilla and the sugar. My phone starts to buzz on the counter drawing my attention from the batter in front of me, and the sound makes me freeze on the spot. Who would be contacting me this late? Nerves strike me as I think back to the note I received three days ago. I haven't spoken to anyone about it, but it simmers in the back of my mind at all times just waiting to become a full blown boil and burn me to the bone.

I slowly pass my roommate back the bowl and I tentatively walk over to the far side of the kitchen counter where my phone is vibrating continuously.

Who is trying to get a hold of me at this hour?

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