Thirty Eight

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BEEP. Beep. Beep.

The repetitive beep weaves through my ears softly at first but then grows louder and louder. The grating sound makes me wince, which in turn makes me internally cringe as pain spreads from across my cheek down my body like a white hot flame. It's sharp and intense and doesn't seem to fade, but instead grow and it makes me feel nauseous.

My eyes are too heavy to open as violent pains jolt through my limbs and random memories begin to assault me.

"Why her? Why did you have to fucking hurt her? I love her."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"You can go after me Nate, but don't you dare fucking touch her."

The sound of footsteps and voices begin to stir me awake but my eyes are still so heavy and almost feel as if they are glued closed. I'm lost in the darkness as these words and memories I don't even remember continue to blossom and grow as if it's all unraveling around me in real time.

"She lost a lot of blood. She was so cold when I picked her up and completely covered in soot. I'm...Preston I'm worried...."

The different voices are playing in a loop in my head as everything begins to slowly surface.

"Shut the fuck up Law! She's not going to die. She's the woman I love, and going to marry. She cannot die. She won't!"

I can hear the machine start to beep faster next to me as Preston's words ring loudly in my head and the pain radiating throughout my body begins to set alight.

"Doctor! You better not let her fucking die."

"Jameson?" I hear a soft voice say next. Distress whips around within me because I can't tell if it's a memory or if it's actually happening.

The machine starts to beep even louder, making the discomfort within me skyrocket to new levels.

"Nurse!" Someone calls out. "Jameson, can you hear me?" Their voice is filled with panic and only make me feel more on edge as confusion and a touch of fear mix within me.

I need to know what's going on so I focus as much as I can to try and open my eyes. The darkness is making it difficult to break through this thick muddle of haze, memories, and voices. I feel myself tense and severe pain explodes across my face as I finally break through and flutter my eyes open just barely. I instantly flinch at the blindingly bright lights.

My eyes squeeze shut again letting the darkness overtake me once again. Every feeling, every breath, and every single thought hurts as if I'm being cut open from the inside out and it scares me and makes me want to hide further in the confusing shadows.

"Jameson, can you open your eyes?" A woman's kind voice asks me.

My dry lips part to speak but nothing comes out besides a frightened whimper.

"It's okay. It's okay, here's some water." A straw is brought to my lips and I pull some into my mouth. It helps to soothe my raw and sore throat along with her soft reassurances.

The darkness of my eyes still being closed brings the sounds of my own screams to mind. They start playing on a loop in my head and force a muffled sob to bubble up from my chest. I'm unable to say anything more as my eyes remain squeezed and locked shut in complete fear.

"You are safe," the voice promises me. "Can you please try to open your eyes again?" the soft voice requests again.

Her voice is comforting and quiets the blood curdling screams that echo within me for a few seconds. So I try again. My eyes slowly peel open to see a nurse I don't recognize, but with a kind face, and right beside her stands my mother.

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