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THE apartment is empty as I lay sprawled out on the couch lazily with a blanket tossed over my bare legs. Music plays faintly in the background as I type away on the laptop that rests on my stomach. The heat from my computer spills through my shirt into my skin and keeps me rather warm in our chilly apartment.

The fall air might be humid and sticky outside but in here we keep the AC on full arctic blast at all times.

My fingers dash across the keyboard as I fill out a discussion board post for my English class.

I would've taken care of it earlier but the remainder of my weekend was filled with me taking care of my best friends and binge watching old seasons of Project Runway.

After my conversation with Preston at Everett's apartment on Saturday I wanted to leave and never come back, but Elizabeth of course convinced me to stay for at least a few songs at the club. One of her favorite DJ's was there and she wanted us all to dance and cut loose for once.

So I reluctantly agreed. We had a few glasses of expensive champagne at Everett's table before we spent the rest of the night on the dance floor. We danced for what felt like hours and every time a guy would try to slide in and grind on us we would pull away because this had nothing to do with men, and everything to do with us.

The club was crowded, and hot, and I sweat off all of my makeup, but I couldn't even deny that it was a great time. We danced until our heel clad feet blistered, we sang until our throats burned, and we ate so much pizza afterwards Elizabeth and Annabelle were both throwing up on the side of the streets as I held their hair back and tried not to throw up myself.

The ride back to our apartment was quiet as they both passed out, but as soon as we got back to the apartment Elizabeth got her second wind and wanted to drink more.

As soon as we walked through the front door she ran straight to the kitchen and pulled out shot glasses. All while I'm still holding up her cousin, and my roommate, who unfortunately had smelly throw up in her short hair.

Who Elizabeth thought would take those shots with her still baffles me.

I put my roommate to bed a glass of water and some aspirin on her bedside table, and placed a small trash can by her bed. I slid off her ankle boots and tucked her in telling her with as much love as possible that she has to shower as soon as she wakes up because she smelled awful.

And as soon as I stepped back into the living room I found Elizabeth passed out on the couch and all three shot glasses completely full.

The next day was filled with me nursing them both back to health. Annabelle and I definitely don't drink that heavily, and while Elizabeth is the only real partier of the group she did herself dirty with all the mixing she did with different alcohol. Bouncing around from tequila, to vodka, to gin, to beer, to champagne, and then back to tequila will wreck you.

And she had the hangover to prove it.

But now I have some time to myself today and I'm determined to use it to the best of my ability. I have an entire checklist of assignments I need to get ahead on, books I need to annotate, and study guides I have to finish.

An unexpected booming knock comes from the front door making me jump. My eyebrows knit together as I check the time realizing Annabelle shouldn't be back from class yet. But I also wouldn't be shocked if she's skipping or forgot a book in her haste to leave this morning. My eyes fall to her keys hanging from the hook right beside the front door and let out a sigh as I pull myself up from the couch.

My oversized t-shirt falls to the top of my thighs as my sock covered feet shuffle me over to the front door. I quickly unlock the door with an audible click and pull it open without looking through the peephole.

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