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WITH a heavy and only slightly annoyed sigh I slam my thick textbook shut. Friendly voices and quiet laughter surround me as I glance around the packed library. With midterms right around the corner everyone is here constantly making sure to stay at the top of their game. Binsfeld University is an extremely competitive college and everyone wants to be at the top.

But I want it more.

I decided to not go to the floor that Preston and I usually study on because I'm still actively avoiding him, even after my talk with Elizabeth yesterday, and anything that reminds me of him. And the beautifully gothic stained glass and hazy yellow lamps always will. They take me back to his deep voice pushing me. Encouraging me. Never letting me back down from any question or ounce of confusion I have weighing me down. I always leave our sessions stronger and smarter and...better.

So I opted for the main computer lab today. It's bright and tends to be more chatty along with the constant clicking of the keyboards and constant hum of the printers.

I shove my things into my bag with a stifled yawn. It's later than I realize as I glance at my phone to see it's already half past midnight. I've been hiding out here most of the day trying to study and focus but without Preston I'm realizing it's more difficult.

Over the past month I've grown accustomed to his presence and the way he can explain and expand on topics that usually take me hours to work through by myself. I will always work harder than anyone around me, but with Preston by my side the homework and studying didn't feel like work.

It was hard at times of course but it was also fun. It made me love the law for more reasons than just proving my father wrong. It made me appreciate it on a level that was just for me.

I stand from the table and sling my tote over my shoulder. I decide to exit through the basement because it's closer to where I parked my car and I don't want to take the long way around campus when it's so late at night.

The elevator is empty as I take it all the way down to the last stop and exit. A chill dances down my spine at how quiet it is down here. Not a soul is around and it makes my heart rattle around in my chest as my eyes dart around the long hallway.

Because even though I know I'm all alone I also feel as if someone is watching me and it makes nerves scatter throughout me.

My shoes brushing against the old worn tile is the only sound echoing around me as I make my way towards the exit. My gaze scans the many empty rooms lining the hallway as I walk by them. This used to be where the main study pods were years ago before the school renovated the rest of the library and left this floor to become a storage locker and empty ghost-town.

I'm almost to the exit when a hand grabs onto my upper arm tightly and yanks me. Terror seizes my entire body as the blood in my veins flashes ice cold, and my heart stops dead in my chest. A sharp scream breaks through my suddenly dry throat and I immediately attempt to escape the hold of whoever is trying to kill me.

All the episodes of Law and Order that Elizabeth has forced me to watch flash through my mind and I'm suddenly imagining every terrible scenario that could happen and panic floods me.

The person drags me backwards into a dark study room when I finally can twist away from their firm grasp and I'm able to get a good hit with my elbow into their rib cage. The person curses and the words make me pause before he lets me go and I whip around and hit the light switch.

The lights flash brightly before they dim and flicker softly revealing who my attacker is.

Fierce anger flares from within me. "What the fuck is wrong with you Preston?" I shout at him as confusion and irritation tangle within me. Why would he scare me like that? Was he trying to give me a heart attack?

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