Thirty Two

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"WE are going out tonight," I announce to my roommate and her cousin as I walk in the living room and spot them lounging on the couch.

Popcorn has been made, candy has been purchased, face masks are on, and Bravo is playing one of its many Housewives shows. It would be the perfect Saturday if I didn't have another plan up my sleeve.

Because this is not how we are spending our night.

I admittedly still feel a little guilty for letting my father manipulate my emotions and fall inward on myself until I was pulling away from everyone I care about and that cared about me.

I've apologized to them and Preston for the way I retreated, but I need to show them how sorry I truly am.

So I'm taking them to a party, but not just any party.

A private heir party.

"Wait, what?" Annabelle asks, a bit thrown off as the mask on her face begins to crack as confusion settles over her.

"Party. Tonight. Get up," I direct refusing to take no for an answer.

"I'm sorry James, but are you feeling alright?" Elizabeth asks before tossing a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth.

I roll my eyes. "Everett invited us to Soho House for a party," I tell them knowing that would pique their interest. "A pool party," I add with a smile.

Elizabeth immediately hops up from the couch causing popcorn to scatter all around. "His winter pool party?" she questions and I nod as a squeal escapes her. "I've threatened men to get me into that party and I've even stooped so low as to flirt with the manager at Soho House to let me in and I still never could get in." She flips around to face her cousin. "Anna get up, we are going. This is a big deal."

My family and Elizabeth's family all have memberships worldwide to the Soho House. It's a group of private clubs and they are very specific about the members they accept with the waiting list running tens of thousands of names long. We can easily get in any day or time for a stay at the hotel, a drink at the bar, or even a nice dinner.

But not during Everett Kingston's winter pool party. He rents the entire space out, which is not only incredibly expensive, but so damn hard. They don't just shut down for anyone. I'm convinced Everett's father has dirt on someone high up there to be able to pull this off. His list is small and elite and none of the three of us have ever been invited.

My roommate hesitates for a moment. "I was maybe going to hang out with Griffin think—"

I pull out my phone and instantly type away before flashing her my screen. "Just texted Preston. He'll be on the list." I don't need to wait for his response to know my words are the truth.

Elizabeth comes over and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Out of the three of us you are the last person I expected to date an heir, but I can't lie, the perks are amazing," she praises before bumping her hips against mine playfully.

"We aren't dating," I assert as I drop my gaze to the floor.

And it's true we aren't dating. If I'm being honest I don't even know what we are. We haven't established any labels. But I do know what I feel, and with Preston I know exactly what he feels for me.

I might hide my emotions, but Preston is forthcoming with his. He always tells me what I mean to him. He never wavers from being vocal about his feelings. He always touches me and shows me how much he cares. He always empowers me and never lets my fears take over.

Even when I try to hide I know he can read me easily. He can see right through the facade I put up for everyone else. He knows how deeply I care even when I can't find the right words.

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