Boat Day

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"hello princess y/n!" JJ says bowing down. he stands back up holding his hand out for you to get on the boat. You sit down on the boat and JJ sits next to you. He messes with your hair trying to braid it but he gives up.

While Pope is driving the boat John B and JJ are talking while your admiring the beautiful view. You try to get JJ to come sit next to you but he won't listen. You walk over, sit next to him a pout. He opens his arms and you start to smile. you lay against him while JJ and John B talk about finding the royale merchant. You got so bored you fell asleep.

JJ scratches your head to wake you up. "Good morning my love" he says giving you a forehead kiss. You smile and watch John B anchor the boat and he jumps in. You take off your shorts and yellow crop top, to a purple silk swimsuit. JJ is just in shock looking at you. "Earth to JJ?" John b says. you giggle and grab a beer.

JJ jumps in and they have a splash war. Your just watching from the boat. Sarah comes from behind you and you guys talk for a while before you guys decide to go in the water. You get on JJ's shoulders and Sarah gets on John B's.

You guys play for a while until you and JJ decide to sit on the boat for a while. JJ sits down with a beer and you lay against him. He starts hitting his vape and you always hated the smell of it. You start to walk away but he grabs your wrist pulling you back. You look at him. "You know i hate the smell of that." he giggles and puts it away. You lay on his lap and watch the clouds move.

"i love you" JJ says. "i love you too." you respond. You guys lock eyes. JJ goes in for a kiss. John b sees you guys kissing, you and JJ both flip him off.

You go to grab a beer. Once you sit down JJ puts his hand on your thigh, and you begin to get butterflies in your stomach. your think "what do i deserve to have this man" You see Kiara walking over after she got done with her shift. You ran over and hugged her. "hey! since when did you work on boat days?" you said. "i needed an extra shift since my parents booted me." she replied. "damn." JJ said.

Topper, Kelce and Rafe were walking by. "JJ, kook alert." you say. he begins to kiss you. You hear Rafe say "y/n's pretty hot for a pouge." JJ starts to get mad. You begin to stroke his hair and rub his back trying to get him to calm down. "fuck, he pisses me off." JJ tells you. you rub your head into his chest and he holds you. You decide to go into the water with Kiara. All of you start splashing each other until you all get on the boat and start talking on the boat.

Kiara tells you all about her day at work while JJ strokes his fingers in your hair. You grab both his hands and put them on his chest. He loves when you do that. You look up and see him smiling. JJ gives you another forehead kiss. You end up falling asleep again.

"y/n? y/n? babe you gotta sit up for me." you look over to see JJ wanting to hold you. You end up sitting in his lap, while he holds you. You have never felt this safe in your life. You dig his neck in his chest.

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