chapter 1

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you wake up to kie waking you up

kie: wake up we have school today remember.

y/n: kie im awake and i know 

kie: good now come on.

y/n: okay ill be down in a minute

its school today ugh, i dragged myself out of bed and went to closet and picked out a cute but comfy outfit then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and put on mascara since i like never wear makeup.



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you went downstairs eat some breakfast, then you ran outside and got in the twinkie and yall all drove to school, you guys hopped out, you headed inside and went to your locker to get your stuff before heading to your first class.


???: oooh guys i think i see a new one, and you know what that means.

they all laughed

i turned around facing them

it was 3 boys

THINKING: the middle one is really hot

???: ooh shes hot as hell

???: topper chill

they all laughed

y/n: what do you want (you said with an attitude)

???: you pretty girl

???: ooh rafe going for it

rafe: shut up kelice

you just stared into his beautiful blue eyes for a couple of seconds

y/n: but i don't want you

boys: oh rafe got a no for once

they all laughed besides rafe ofc

you then walked off to math, you got a seat as close to the back as possible. a little after you walked in ofc rafe and topper walk in you looked away hoping they would'nt notice you.

then the teacher pointed to some seats behind you, were she wanted the boys to sit 

THINKING: omg hes so hot, but hes a fboy, i dont want him... i think

rafe: hey pretty girl

you rolled your eyes

rafe: whats your name?

you didn't answer

rafe looked angry

rafe: its not gonna end well if you keep giving me this little attitude

THINKING: that was hot

you whispered in his ear

y/n: what are you gonna do about it?

rafe: oh pretty girl you don't want to know that.

fboy/rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now