chapter 11

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you got up and went to rafe's house, you knocked on the door, rafe opened the door and you saw that he looked really sad.

rafe: y/n, wha

he couldn't finish his answer because i interrupted him with a kiss, he kissed back, you had your hands cupping his cheeks and his hands were rested on your waist.

rafe then pulled away

rafe: what was that for?

you didn't say anything, while blushing

rafe: why don't you come in

y/n: uh okay

you guys then went up to his room

you sat on his bed which was extremely comfortable

y/n: i didn't know you liked to act

rafe: acting is my life

y/n: have you done any movies or shows?

rafe: my most popular one is outer banks

y/n: omg, I've heard so many good things about that show, i didn't know you were in it

rafe: yep *he said with a big smile on his face*

y/n: well i think that is very neat *you said with a little laugh*

*skip to an hour later*

rafe: wanna go get something to eat since it's getting kinda late?

y/n: sure

rafe: your choice on what we get

y/n: *choose your favorite place to eat*

rafe: okay

so you guys went and got the food, then rafe drove you home

y/n: thank you i had a lot of fun

rafe: me too, see ya later

y/n: okey

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