chapter 9

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*skip to Monday*

i woke up today really tired so i put some comfy clothe's and did my hair into a messy bun

outfit and hair:

outfit and hair:

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i went downstairs and saw jj making breakfast which is pretty rare

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i went downstairs and saw jj making breakfast which is pretty rare

y/n: whats up *you said confused*

jj: what do you mean?

y/n: your making breakfast which you never do

jj: just in a good mood

you smiled

you then ate jj's breakfast which actually wasn't to bad then you decided to walk to school, you arrived at school and went to your locker to grab your stuff then you headed off to took a seat and with your luck rafe came and took the seat beside you.

you: that's Sarah's seat

rafe: Sarah and topper aren't gonna be here

y/n: why?

rafe: topper just said.

y/n: oh okay

*rafe put his hand on your thigh and started moving it up but you threw at look at him to stop but he didn't so you started to push his hand but eventually gave up and screamed at him:

y/n: RAFE stop

teacher: is there something wrong y/n

y/n: yes rafe will not leave me alone

teacher: rafe please stop

rafe: yes mama *he said while smirking at you*

he then put his hand back on your thigh when the teacher wasn't looking and this time you weren't having it:

y/n: you know what fuck this *you than stormed out of the class and went home*

you where sitting on the couch watching tv when there was a knock at the door, you opened the door and saw rafe:

y/n: what do you want *you said pissed off*

rafe: we have a project together

y/n: your kidding me

rafe: nope, so can i come in

y/n: *you rolled your eyes* i guess

rafe: what a nice house

y/n: thx i guess

we then went up to my room and sat on the bed

y/n: so what do you want to do for the project?

rafe: idk

we then sat there brainstorming ideas till we came up with one and we did a little of the project today.

rafe: i got to go to the bathroom

y/n: okay there's the bathroom *you pointed to the bathroom

5 minutes later 

 you then felt someone wrap there arms around your waist.

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