chapter 13

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rafe: i didn't mean what i said to topper earlier i was just really mad, I'm sorry

y/n: it's fine

you just looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, when he placed one of his hands on your thigh, you looked at his hand then back into his eyes

rafe: I'm sorry *he said while moving it off*

y/n: no no your fine

you then grabbed his hand and put it back on your thigh, you then saw that he was smirking at you. you both started leaning closer to each other, your lips touched which sent butterflies in your stomach. 

the kiss then started turning into a make out sesh, his hand than started sliding up your thigh

and the kiss/make out started getting more rough and you started kissing down his neck placing hickies all over his neck and causing him to let out little moans

you then stopped 

rafe: why did you stop?

y/n: i, uh, I'm just not ready

rafe: oh your fine, are you virgin tho?

y/n: yes, and now you probably think I'm lame or something

rafe: no i don't think your a lame


i almost said i liked her when she said she was lame, ugh why is she so pretty

rafe: hey y/n

y/n: yes

rafe: do you want to go on a date sometime?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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