chapter 4

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class ended and i walked over to my locker to put my stuff away, when topper came up to me

topper: hi

y/n: hey?

topper: i need your help with something

y/n: what?

topper: i like...

y/n: no no no

topper: no no i dont like you and plus I'm not like rafe anymore

y/n: you like sarah don't you?

topper: yea *he says nervously* 

y/n: tell her then

toppper: i cant can you please?

y/n: fine i guess

topper: thanks and there's a party at mine tonight at 9 if you wanna come

y/n: okay

you then walked home and decided to just chill.

you were just chilling on the couch when sarah came running in

y/n: what the heck are you doing

sarah: come on their's a party

y/n: i don't wanna go

sarah: yes you are and I'm gonna help you get ready

y/n: fine

you guys went to your room and went through your closet till you found the perfect dress

dress and hair:

dress and hair:

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you guys then went to the party and when you walked in you saw rafe looking you up and down while biting his lip

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you guys then went to the party and when you walked in you saw rafe looking you up and down while biting his lip.

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