chapter 10

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i turned around and saw rafe smirking


 he's so no y/n stop hes an fboy 

y/n: what are you doing?

rafe: your just so beautiful

y/n: why are you so sweet when where alone but mean when we are around people?

rafe: *he didn't say anything*

rafe hugged you tightly and you made the face of surprise because he was being really sweet and soft, but you hugged him back.

y/n: rafe

rafe: i think i should go

y/n: but we still have to work on the project a little more

rafe: we can tomorrow or something i just need to go, bye


tf did i do? do i do something? i just don't understand him, ugh

you decided to call jj because you and him are really close and tell each other almost everything.

y/n: i don't why he went home, like we still had some of the project left to do and everything was going pretty smoothly with us

jj: you know before he became a fboy he use to get bullied a lot and get into fights.

y/n: wow, but what does that have to do with today?

jj: he probably doesn't want to destroy his reputation because he probably really likes you and is becoming soft with you but he could get bullied for that.

y/n: what! so you think he likes me?

jj: maybe hes a confusing man

y/n: true

jj: maybe you should talk to him to see whats going on.

y/n: no

jj: you sure it could help.

y/n: hes so cute and confusing, FUCK, idk what to do!

jj: he probably needs you but is pushing you away so he doesn't get bullied

y/n: maybe

jj: hes a good person if you get to know him I'm sure

y/n: possibly

jj: now get your future husband

y/n: *you laughed* thank you love you

jj: love you to and tell me how it goes 

y/n: i will.

fboy/rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now