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Chanyeol Oppa's lips are so soft..

I can't help but kick on the air while hugging my pillow ever so tightly as my mind travel to that memory! He.. he confessed!

I <3 U 🐿️

I blushed hard as I squealed over my pillow so I won't woke my members.

Up until now that Chanyeol Oppa drove me home, I still can't believe that everything that has happened tonight was real! He kissed me on top of that ferris wheel! He confessed through fireworks!

And.. I have the best and unforgettable amusement park date with my Yoda.

"Oppa! I want that!" I pouted as I point at a tiger stuff toy.

It was him for exo-ls. Chanyeol Oppa was our tiger and I want it.

And so, he played the game of shooting the target and he won without a miss! I clapped as he handed me my tiger.

"Thank you Oppa!" I beamed.

Chanyeol Oppa smiled at me and ruffle my hair. "Anything for my cute chipmunk."

I stared at my new tiger stuff toy that I named Channie and hugged it instead of my pillow.

"You are mine and Chanyeol Oppa's first son, Channie. I'll take good care of you." I mumbles as I kissed the top of it's head and falls asleep.

I guess being inlove is this crazy to the point that I fell asleep with a small smile curved on my lips, dreamt of Chanyeol Oppa and then wake up with the same smile on my lips with a lot of energy for the day!

[From, Chanyeol Oppa:

Good morning my Chipmunk <3]

I bit my lower lip to stifle a wide smile because of the 'my' and '<3' on his message. It felt so surreal and at the same time, overwhelming to be reading this kind of message from Chanyeol Oppa.

It was like the star that I have been admiring from afar suddenly falls onto my palms. Wow, who would have thought that being inlove could make me this poetic?

I laugh and got out of my bedroom to have breakfast with my members who are looking at me intently. I gave them a lopsided smile and they all raised their eyebrows at me.

"Last night, you went out sulking and now you are glowing with happiness.." Jisoo Unnie intrigued.

Jennie Unnie nodded, "you look blooming today Rosie Posie."

"You look inlove!" Lisa added.

"Hmmm? Am I?" I hummed as I sat on my chair and put butter on my toast.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing because of the way my members look at me! It was as if I have been replaced by an alien and they were thinking if I am a real person or not! "Pfft- why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Jisoo Unnie was about to answer but the doorbell rang. And because she is nearer the door, she stood up to greet our visitor this early in the morning.. I wonder who would it be?

"Jagiya, bogoshipo~" (Trans: Baby, I miss you~) I heard Kim Jongin Oppa's voice.

Jennie Unnie rolled her eyes but I could clearly see the small smile she tried to cover. I pouted and straightened my back when I saw another tall figure.. I saw Chanyeol Oppa!

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