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~The next morning~

Adrien's POV

"We gotta go wake up Marinette!" Plagg reminded as I put on my clothes for the day.

"Shit!" I swore as I ran to go wake up Marinette.

She was still asleep in our bed, her blue hair covering her closed eyelids. Her eyebrows were pushed in different directions along with pyjamas twisted around her body.

Tikki was also asleep right beside her.

I sighed as I prepared to be yelled at.

"Wake up Marinette, we're gonna be late!" I rushed in a whisper as I leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

Marinette stirred as she began to awake.

"Adrien. What time is it?"



We had to be at class in 15 minutes.

I ran out of the room, grabbing Marinette's books and work and put on my shoes.

As I waited for her to finish getting ready I filled up her red water bottle and put it inside of her bag along with her books.

Marinette stomped towards me, tying her hair up in a bun with two pieces of hair hanging out of the front.

Even though she didn't put in any effort because of the limited time she still looked exquisite. She's always been like that.

"You forgot to wake me up so now I have to go to class looking like shit!" She wept.

"You look gorgeous mon amour." I assured, handing her the pink backpack she uses every day.

Burying her face in her hands, Marinette's face turned red as she groaned loudly.

"I forgot to pack everything! I still need my water bottle and books!!"

I walked closer to her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"It's all in there."

She exhaled and relaxed her shoulders.

"Thank you Adrien."

I flashed her a smile and opened the door to leave.

~In the classroom~

Marinette's POV

" ...Also, please finish analyzing section 87 of the book by tomorrow."

The entire class fumed at the long list of study work. That was the tenth time this teacher has assigned over four hours worth of it!

I was absolutely exhausted and honestly just wanted to go home.

"You are dismissed."

About time.

"Let's go." I announced to Adrien.

"Yes please."

Adrien and I walked to our room to eat lunch and do our work for the rest of the night.

Third Person POV


"Ready to go M'lady?" Adrien questioned, now in his superhero self.


Marinette fed Tikki a small chocolate-chip cookie with a smile on her face.

"Tikki spots on!" Marinette exclaimed.

A miraculous glowing pink light surrounded her as her Ladybug suit came on.

"Now I am."

Cat Noir and Ladybug made their way around the pitch dark city on the lookout for trouble.

"Let's split up." Ladybug suggested.

Cat Noir nodded and headed in the opposite direction, his pole extending and retracting as he left.

Ladybug continued her way until she heard a loud crash come from an alleyway. She swung down cautiously, spinning her yo-yo.

"Who's there?" She asked, turning around after hearing another sound.

Without warning, a sharp pain ran up the side of her neck. After catching a glance at the person behind her she tried to swing her yo-yo at them but quickly fell out of consciousness.

A/N Sorry guys i've been stressed so this chapter took longer than expected.

Sunshine Boy // Adrienette Where stories live. Discover now