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"Nadja Shamak live, reporting to you with a potential kidnapping."

The reporter's face remained very serious as she continued to explain the situation.

"Late Monday night, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was taking a late night stroll in the streets of Paris. Her boyfriend Adrien Agreste panicked when she didn't return back to their dorm that night and immediately called 911."

Nadja now had tears forming in her eyes. Marinette had babysat her child, Manon throughout her teenage years which resulted in their families becoming close.

"Ladybug and Cat Noir did not see any active crime on their patrol and promise to search for the girl. Now a word from Marinette's parents."

Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain had tears welling their eyes.

"Please keep a look out for our daughter. She could be anywhere and we need everyone's help."

A photo appeared on the television of a smiling girl in the moonlight with long, blue flowing hair, taken just four days ago by Adrien himself on the rooftop Sunday night.

Adrien's POV

Four nights ago my life disappeared.

My foot swung off the side of the couch as I flipped through channels on the television, trying to find one without Marinette's face plastered on it.

It's been 15 minutes since I was outside looking for her. I came in to try and sleep for an hour or two. The couch was my new bed. My body wouldn't rest every-time I tried to sleep in our room.

I search every single second of every minute of every hour for her. School was no longer a priority for me. Only she was.

The TV stayed on as I relaxed, my eyes heavy.

All of the sudden a loud scream came from the other room.


I stood up quickly and ran to the room only to see her laying on the ground with cuts on her face and a traumatizing look on her face.


I rushed to her side but she frowned. Glancing down at her stomach, I noticed the gushing blood pouring out of her.


She grabbed my hand and smiled as her pulse slowed.


Tears streamed down my face and dripped onto
her face.

"Marinette please don't leave me!"




I launched forwards, gasping for air. The television in front of me was still playing.

My heart rate was through the roof. These nightmares haven't stopped since she went missing. I couldn't help but blame myself constantly for her vanishing. We should've stayed together!

It's time to go find her.

"Plagg, claws out."

Marinette's POV

Four nights ago I disappeared.

I've figured out that I am most likely in the man or woman's basement. There's always footsteps coming from above me.

They feed me. And give me water.

The man is very protective over me but he doesn't like when I don't listen to him.

I gaze at the chains attached to my ankles.

The man said he didn't want to put them on but he had to because I would cause "too much commotion and try and escape". Well obviously, did he just expect me to accept being kidnapped? I'm Ladybug, I'll get out of here eventually.

"Good afternoon Marinette." The tall man emerged from the place where I assume is the stairs.

"Can I go home now?"

He smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, making a tsk tsk tsk noise as he shook his pointer finger.

I stood up and kicked my foot forwards, trying to escape from the chains. I've been working on a plan to escape for the past two days.

"These chains and really uncomfortable you know. Can you take them off for a minute? I need to use the restroom." I asked.

If I could get out of the window from the bathroom I would be able to leave.

"You have two minutes and I will be standing right outside of the room." he spoke.

"I know the drill." I responded.

He undid the chains and walked me to the bathroom. I entered the room and shut the door behind me.

The window was right there.

I took my fist and swung as hard as I could at the glass. Blood dripped down my arm from my knuckles but it was the least of my problems.

I swung again, this time the glass shattered and I made my way outside. As I was reaching to
the ground, a hand grabbed my leg.


The hard grip. on my leg pulled me back and dragged me to the ground.

"You're so stubborn little Marinette."

The man sat over me with a raised fist, ready to slam it down on my face.


Sunshine Boy // Adrienette Where stories live. Discover now