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Waking up was the hardest part to do and when my alarm goes off loud as fuck, it scares me every morning. I looked at my phone and saw that it was the 1st day of my new school Blackwell, I'm a freshman this year and I'm kinda nervous but also excited. My name is KC Amber, but people call me sky for some reason, everyone knows my sister Rachel Amber, I'm her little brother that's not really mentioned hardly ever, but when I applied for Blackwell, they knew my sister and my family, so it was Hella easy to get accepted into the school. I hope my old childhood friend Nathan Prescott still goes there.
I stretched my arms out and yawned, I wasn't use to waking up so early because summer I slept half the time and stayed inside recording music, it's one of my many hobbies. I got up and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower to warm it up, I then stripped down and got in, the warm water felt so awesome and soothing, after about 20 minutes I got out, grabbed a towel and rapped it around me and walked out of the bathroom, steam was flowing out of the bathroom cause of the heat from the shower. I grabbed some stuff from my dresser and got ready, I was ready for today, the first day... I went downstairs and headed for the kitchen where no one was, I guess everyone was already at work, so I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door with a breakfast bar in my hand. I hopped in my car, started it and headed for school.

When I arrived to the school parking lot, it was easy to find a spot. I parked, turned my car off and got out, I shut the door behind and locked it. I headed for the main office but right in front of the door was principle Wells, he was standing there with his hands behind his back and when he saw me, he started to approach me with a smile.

"So you must be KC Amber, welcome to Blackwell Academy, you're right on time for your first day." He stuck his hand out and I took it, we shook hands.

"Well thank you and yea I'm KC Amber, this place is amazing and nice to meet you principle Wells." He nodded and lead me through the doors of the Academy, that's when I saw her, she was like an angel. She looked really shy and saw her heading to Photograph class I think.

"What's my first class Principle Wells?" He looked at me and replied, "oh you have Photograph in Mrs Jefferson's class, follow me I'll lead you there." We started heading through the hallways to Mr. Jefferson's class and he was standing there outside of the classroom welcoming everybody, "Mr Jefferson this is KC Amber, he will be joining your class please watch him." Principle Wells walked away and I was left there standing there looking at Mr. Jefferson, "So KC, you're an Amber huh?"
I looked at him and replied, "Sadly yes." "Well welcome to Photograph, pick what spot you want," then I saw her again just sitting there by herself, "what about by her and who's that?" Mr Jefferson looked and smiled,  "That is Maxine Caulfield, she's a shy type but you'll get to know her in no time." I headed for the seat by her and sat down. I pulled everything I needed for this class. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, I was really nervous and afraid she would look at me and think I'm weird. I kept checking to see if she was looking at me but across from us was some blonde chick staring at me smiling, I smiled back and did a little wave, she giggled and faced toward Mr Jefferson  to listen to the lesson, I did the same. A hour went by and for some reason I heard a voice saying "Help Me" but it was like the person was asking for help but they're to weak to say it. I looked around and noticed Max was watching me the whole time, she leaned toward me and asked, "Hey are you alright?"

I shook my head and nodded, she leaned back over and I sighed, "who's voice was that and they sounded in trouble." The bell rang which snapped me back into reality and then Mr Jefferson was giving an after class instructions about a contest called "every day hero" I didn't really listen, but that was it for the whole one class and now I'm free. I got up from my seat after putting my things back into my bag and started heading for the door until Mr Jefferson stopped me, "KC can you please come over here?" I looked at Mr Jefferson standing by the front of his desk while talking to that blonde chick. I headed over to Mr. Jefferson and replied, "um... yes sir?"

He looked at me and crossed his arms, "you seemed a little distracted today in class, is everyone alright?"
I replied, "Yea I am just getting new school nerves, I'll be ok." I smiled and he smiled back, "If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." The blonde chick cut in, "Same for me too and my name Veronica Chase." She put her hand out and I took it and we shook hands, "KC Amber, but call me Sky if you want." She nodded and blushed. I turned around and walked out of the classroom to the noisey hallway. I yawned and started heading for the front door, but something caught my eye while walking past the billboard, it was a picture of a girl named Rachel Amber and it said missing, I ripped it off the board and stared in shock at the paper, "what the fuck, why is my sister missing, who would kidnap my sister Rachel?" I put the paper in my pocket and headed out the front doors, I ended up outside the school. I was getting fired up because my sister is missing and who ever kid napped her I'll fuckin kill them. I saw Max and some blue hair chick heading for the dorms, "should I follow them maybe they have a lead on my sister." I started following them but Max looked back at me smiled,

"oh hi KC how's it goin?"
I looked nervous but I replied,
"I'm ok just wondering around getting use to the school grounds."
She giggled and replied back,
"You're funny, I know you wanted to follow us am I right?"
I put my hands up in defeat,
"Yea you got me, I was gonna ask you guys have you seen my sister?"
Max and the girl looked at each other and Max replied,
"No we haven't seen her what does she look like?"
I grabbed the paper out of my pocket and showed them.

"She giggled and replied back, "You're funny, I know you wanted to follow us am I right?"I put my hands up in defeat,"Yea you got me, I was gonna ask you guys have you seen my sister?"Max and the girl looked at each other and Max replied,"No we ha...

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The girl with the blue hair grabbed the picture and said,
"Wait you're Rachel's little brother?"
I looked at her and nodded,
"She doesn't really bring me up to people, I just moved here from Arizona and it's my first day and then I find out my sister is missing, do you know who put these up?"
"I did." The blue hair girl replied back.
I stood there and nodded,
"Well if you guys have any leads here is my phone numbers."
Max and the girl typed their numbers in and we said our goodbye and parted ways...

The girls and I didn't realize but Mr. Jefferson heard the whole conversation and then he put his glasses in place and left the room. I don't know who kidnapped her but I promise you Rachel I will find you.

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