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Rachel's POV:

I finally got out of there again but with Max, I hope Carson is alright and he took care of Jefferson, I heard Max waking up,
"Hey Max did you sleep good?"
Max stretched and replied,
"Yea I had weird ass dream tho."
"What was your dream about?" I replied.
"I was flying with everyone and our plane was going down, I felt like I couldn't move or nothing, I was just stuck in place and then when I woke up I was all drowsy and my head hurts like hell."
"I mean we were drugged by Jefferson and his side kick Xaiv, my head hurts really bad too like a crazy night hangover." I replied giggling, Max smiled and we both started laughing. When we got to the hospital, we headed for KC and Chloe's room, but when we got up to the level where the room was, Chloe that was bandage up and was dressed in her normal clothes, was sitting on the waiting chair crying, we looked at each other and ran toward Chloe. Chloe heard us and stood up and hugged both of us.
"Chloe what's wrong?" Max asked.
Chloe with tears in her eyes replied,
"Max, Rachel, KC is in a coma and is dying slowly due to injures."
Max and I looked at Chloe and I started tearing up and Max started sobbing really hard.
"What's making him die?" I asked.
Chloe looked at me and replied grabbing my hands,
"One of his rib bones that broke cut him from inside and he's bleeding from inside."
I looked up and she had tears in her eyes.

A couple hour later...

Max POV:

I was sitting there waiting for some news about KC I was Hella worried but tried not to show it. I kept looking around, I saw Rachel with her parents, she was biting her finger nails and shaking her left leg. I saw Chloe texting someone and she still had tears in her eyes. I looked at the hallway and saw the doctor coming, we all stood up and the doctor came over, he cleared his throat and sighed,
"Are you guys for KC Amber?"
Everyone nodded and then the doctor took his glasses off and that's never a good sign.
"Doc what's the news?" KC mother asked.
He clear his throat again and replied,
"Well KC doesn't have long to live, so you can say your goodbyes before we pull the plug."
Everyone was shocked and it hit me really quick, I started bawling my eyes out and Rachel held me. I couldn't believe it first Warren dies, now KC is going to die. I looked up at Rachel and she just stood there in shock with tears in her eyes. We all walked in and saw KC laying there with all the stuff connected to him, I looked at him as I was getting closer to the bed and sat down on a chair that was next to the bed. I had tears rolling down my face as I look at KC,
"KC you got to fight your way out of this and come back to me, I can't lose you too."


I sat there looking into a mirror, there was another me on the other side that looked like my body now,
"Well they are going to pull the plug and you'll be dead."
"I know, I don't want to die because of my sister and my new girlfriend Max, I never want to leave them."
I started tearing up and the other me replied,
"Well KC you will have your choice, I can send you back before it's to late and if you get sent back here, I'll bring you up to heaven."
I nodded and he did some kind of motions with his hands and then poof I was back.

Max was still crying on me and I smiled,
"Well you can't get rid of me that easily."
She looked up and saw I was awake, she through herself into my arms and kissed me on the lips and I kissed back, we parted and I saw Chloe and my sister in tears but tears of joy, they came over to my bed and hugged me too.
"I thought you were dead."
"Well I'm alive and I thought so too, but I guess they don't want me in heaven yet, plus I got to protect you guys."
Rachel hugged me and smiled.
"It's so good you're alive."
I looked at the person leaning against the door wall, it was Nathan,
"Oh my God Nathan."
He came over to me and hugged.
"I'm so glad you're ok, when I heard the news about how your awake and alive I had to come back and see if you're OK."
I gave him one more hug and smiled,
"Thanks bro, we got to hang in a couple days."
He nodded and walked out of the room. We were still talking not realizing Jefferson and Xiav kidnapped Nathan outside and putting him in the car drugged up,
"Well Xiav KC and the gang are in the hospital, we are going to be back later when the group is away, time to take revenge and do something about little miss sunshine back there, Nathan Prescott." Xiav nodded and both started laughing.

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