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The same memory kept replaying in my head and it was pissing me off everytime it would play. I sat down on a bench and put my face in my hands and took some deep breaths and then I heard some footsteps coming toward me. I looked up and saw Max looking at me with a confused look, "Hey KC are you alright? We've been trying to get a hold of you for a hour now." I looked at her with a sad expression on my face and replied, "Yea I'm fine j...just trying to figure out some things and calm down from what happened to Nathan like that could've happened to my sister." Max got close to me and with anger on her face replied, "don't ever say that, we will find your sister Rachel even if it kills us." I nodded and Max pulled me into a kiss and I kissed back, after about like 30 seconds we pulled away and Max was blushing, I was going to say something but she put her finger to my lips and said, "Yea, me too." She tuned around and walked back to Chloes truck. I just sat there in complete shock "She kissed me, like actually kissed me on the lips, that was fuckin amazing." I got up and headed to Chloes truck too and when I got there Chloe had her arms crossed and smiling, "What?"
She replied, "So how was the kiss?"
I looked at her, "wait what you saw that?"
She nodded and replied back, "Well duh, when Max came back over here, she told me all about it, it was Hella annoying."
We both started laughing and then we got in the truck, when I got in and shut the door, Max grabbed my arm and wrapped it around her shoulders and then looked at me while blushing, I gave her a quick peck on the lips and then we started driving. I fell asleep.

In the dream...

I looked around and then the most shocking thing I saw was Rachel getting stabbed by Mr. Jefferson and then turning around to face me with a bloody knife in his right hand and blood on his suit, I ran at him, "JEFFERSON I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"

End of dream...

I woke up all sweaty and Max was looking at me with a worry expression on her face with her hand on my chest. I looked around and took some deep breaths
"You're ok KC, you just had a bad dream."
I grabbed Max's hand and held on to it and smiled,
"Thanks for checking on me baby girl."
Max giggled and gave me a hug, she was snuggling with me, I looked at Chloe and she winked at me, then focusing on the road again while smiling. I thought in my head, "Damn that was a terrible dream, I don't know why but I've been having them a lot lately, ever since I found out my sister was missing." I laid my head back on the seat and it seems Max fell asleep on me which she hasn't slept in a couple days because she's been worried about me and why did I call her baby girl? Chloe stopped the truck and leaned forward and I did too, there was a body in the middle of the street, cops were surrounding the area.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"I don't know, we should go investigate." I replied.
"What's going on guys?" A sleepy Max asked while rubbing her eyes.
I opened the truck door and said as I step out, "you guys stay here and keep an eye out for anything."
Max and Chloe nodded and I closed the door and headed toward the scene, I was shocked, it was Victoria Chase from Blackwell, she's dead in the middle of the street, I walked over to a cop and asked,
"What happened to her?" The cop looked at me and replied,
"She died by drug overdose and dropped off in the middle of the street." I backed up and then I headed back to the truck until I saw the black car hiding in the alley way, I looked at it and just stared, I kinda could see the person staring at me too same look on his face and then the black car drove more into the alley way and disappear, I headed back to the truck and opened the door. I got in and shut the door. Max and Chloe looked at me,
"What were you staring at?" Chloe asked. I replied, "Jefferson was hiding in the alley way and staring at me while I was walking back."
"Who was in the street?" Max asked, I looked down and replied that shocked both of them, "Victoria Chase, she died of...of a drug overdose and I think Jefferson did it, we have to stop him before he hurts Rachel." Chloe turned the truck around and headed for her house.

Meanwhile back at the mystery Room....

Jefferson was freaked out because of that stare, "fuck I hope they don't find this place where I have Rachel and try to come and get me, maybe I could let Rachel go, nah that would be like giving up, but they are just pawns in this little treasure hunt and time is about up for Rachel." He started laughing and Rachel was still drugged out on the couch with tears going down her face, saying the same words, "H...Help M...Me K...C..."

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