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"So is he really down here?" The Red hair guy ask.

"I'm sure that's what Lopez told me." The Blonde hair guy replied.

They went down to the basement of the old barn and saw Jefferson taking pictures of Max and Rachel, they snuck down and watched him taking picture after picture, until they came out of hiding,
"Mark Jefferson!" The red hair guy yelled out.
Jefferson looked behind and saw the two guys standing there,
"Ah Carson and Matthew, it's so good to see, I was going to visit you guys but eh you can see I'm kinda busy, so could you come back later. " He smiled and went back to taking pictures,
"We have some unfinished business with you and I can tell you know who we're talking about." Carson replied.
Jefferson looked at the boys and set his camera down and walked over to them,
"You boys have the nerve to come in my dark room and bark orders." Jefferson stared them down. Carson cracked a smile and replied,
"Well it was kind of easy coming down here and see you are way to crazy for your being, am I right Matthew?" Matthew nodded and smiled the fact is he was trying to put lies in their heads. 
"Well we will give you another chance, to confess your sins against those women in Seattle, Jefferson looked at them and took off but got grabbed and hit the stomach by Carson,
"Well Well Well, Matthew it appears we have a non God believer and we shall strike him down with God's power. Matthew grabbed out a knife and smiled,
"God please give me your power to strike down this unholy soul."
He raised the knife and then BAM!
Matthew dropped the knife and dropped to the ground, Jefferson had shot him with his pistol and Matthew was bleeding out and after a couple seconds he passed away. Jefferson looked at Carson and saw that he had tears going down his face, Carson turned his head and Jefferson went pail. Carson's face was cover in Anger, he got up and went over to Jefferson that was still on the floor, raised his leg and hit Jefferson in the stomach over and over until Jefferson was unable to breathe,
"You killed my brother, you sick fucker."
He kicked him again and again and again, over and over until Jefferson started spitting out blood all over the floor. Carson grabbed Jefferson's gun and pointed it at an injured Jefferson,
"You shall burn in the pit of hell for killing a kind soul." Carson was so filled with Rage that he was about to shoot Jefferson.

Meanwhile in the hospital...

I woke up and the room was very bright, "Am I in heaven, did I die from the injures?"
I looked around and saw I was in a hospital, I felt a sharp pain when I tried getting up, I looked down and saw that I had my shirt off and a bandage wrapped around my broken ribs. I saw another bed by me, it was Chloe, she had bandages around her arms and legs,
"I'm sorry Chloe you had to be part of this."
I laid back down and fell back asleep I needed it.

Chloe POV:

I was running and running until I finally caught up to Rachel, her back was facing me and she was crying, I walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder, she turned around and her face was burnt, she grabbed me and with a demonic voice,
"Why did you let me die, how can I call you my girlfriend." I screamed and then woke up sweating. I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital room, my arms and legs were bandaged up and my head hurt. I looked over to the bed that was next to me and KC was in it sleeping, I was worried about Max and Rachel, I tried getting up but the pain from my burns wouldn't let me, so I laid back and thought,
"Rachel and Max must be really scared right now and I got to help them, please guys don't die."
I started crying and KC got up and I looked at him and smiled while whipping the tears away from my face,
"It's OK Chloe, we won't let injuries stop us from helping our girls out and saving them."
She nodded and replied,
"You're right KC, there's no need to cry, we got to come up with a plan."
KC nodded and smiled, I smiled back.

Back at the dark room...

Carson had Jefferson pin down with the gun pointed at him and Carson's foot on his head,
"Jefferson what should I do? Should I kill you and make you go to hell or should I shoot you and watch you bleed out and slowly die, so many choices."
Carson looked down and smiled. He heard a movement from the girl with the red hair.

Rachel POV:
I was still tied up but I was still alive, I looked around and saw I was still in the dark room, by me was Max still drugged out and asleep. I looked at the red hair guy holding Jefferson down with his foot.
"Hey I'm Carson are you OK?"
I blinked and nodded,
"I'm fine just a little drowsy."
Carson smiled and I blushed, he knocked Jefferson out and tied him up. Carson then came over to me and untied me and then untied Max that was on the floor. I got up and picked Max up and started carrying her to the door,
"Hey Carson thank you for helping us, stay safe already becareful of that physcopath."
He nodded and replied with a smile,
"You're welcome Rachel, go help your brother and take care of yourself and that girl you have in your arms, God bless you."
I nodded and smiled, I climb up the stairs and saw Jefferson's car, I put Max in the back seat and got in and hot wired it, I pressed on the gas and headed for the hospital.

Carson's POV:

I looked at Jefferson and saw the tape was off, Xaiv came out of nowhere and stabbed me with a knife, I fell to the floor in pain and surprise. Jefferson got up and picked up the gun,
"Goodbye Carson."
Jefferson pointed the gun and pulled the trigger, hitting me in the head killing me instantly,
"Well Xaiv let's go get the girls back."
"What about them?"
Jefferson looked the bodies of mine and Matthew's,
"We'll take care of them later."
They left the room leaving our dead bodies laying on the floor.

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