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I was sitting there watching over Rachel to make sure if she's OK, but I'm so glad to have my sister back and still alive. We've been searching for her for a couple weeks now and we found her a couple hours ago. I grabbed her and hugged her,
"I'm never letting you get hurt or taken again."

Rachel POV..

I was asleep again, but I wasn't in that room again thank God and I'm still alive too. I felt my body move and I'm hearing a heart beat, then I heard someone's voice say,
"I will never let anyone take you or hurt you ever again."
I opened my eyes and saw KC, he looked down and smiled with tears going down his cheeks, I sat up and hugged him, I started sobbing and he was rubbing my back and telling me "it's OK" and "just let it out." I just kept crying and then finally I calmed down and pulled from the hug, I smiled and said,
"KC are you really here or am I still in that room with Jefferson?"
He smiled and replied, "Yea I am really here Rachel and I'm glad you're alive, I've missed you so much."
We went into another hug and this time KC was crying. I was rubbing his back this time, we pulled away and then Chloe and Max came in,
"Rachel you're awake, how are you feeling?" Chloe asked sitting next to me,
"I'm better now, still kind of sleepy but I'm getting better."
Chloe hugged me and let go,
"You know how long I was searching for you and how much I missed you."
I nodded and replied,
"I know I missed you a lot too."
Max just stared at me and smiled,
"You must Maxine Caulfield, I'm..."
"I know who you are and yes I'm Max, I'm KC's girlfriend."
I looked at KC and he nodded, turning red in the process. I giggled and replied,
"Well if my brother treats you bad in anyway I'll beat his ass for it, I got your back girl." I winked and she blushed while nodding.
"What's happened since I've been gone?" Chloe looked at me and told me about everything. KC looked like he heard something outside because he ran to the window and looked out.


I can't believe it, he's still here looking for my sister. I felt a sharp pain in my arm, I looked down and saw there was a bullet in my left arm, I fell back and started bleeding out on the floor, the girls ran over to me and Rachel held my injury with her hands, but then she moved them because Chloe brought her a towel to cover it up. I was starting to blackout, I felt really dizzy from the blood lost, I could barely here them calling my name. I passed out, but when I woke up, I was on the bed with a big bandage on my left arm and the bullet was on the floor, I looked around and took in a deep breath and let it out,
"Shit I'm alive, I thought I died."
I looked around and saw that I was alone in Chloe's room. I then heard a scream, it came from downstairs. I got up still injured and dizzy but I through it off, I ran out the room and down the stairs and saw the door busted open and Chloe on the floor, Rachel was nowhere to be found and Max too. I ran up to Chloe and shook her awake, she opened her eyes and started crying in my arms,
"KC, Jefferson and hoodied figure took Max and Rachel."
I looked at her, she had tears running down her face,
"Well let's go find where Jefferson is hiding and take care of this once and for all."
I got a text from the unknown number,
"I told you that when your back is turned, I'll strike and now we have your precious girlfriend and Rachel your only sister."
I stared at the message and replied,
"Well I know where you guys are at and I'm on my way to take back my girls."
"Good Luck, you'll need it."
I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Chloe,
"Chloe we have to go find our girls now, so let's hurry to your truck."
She nodded and I helped her up and then we ran to her car, got in and she hit the gas.
My phone went off another text but it was from Nathan,
"Bro Blackwell is on fire!"
I looked at Chloe and said,
"Blackwell is on fire!"
"So what?" Chloe replied goin through traffic.
"Max and Rachel could be in there."


Rachel's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around, it was pitch dark and I could barely breathe. I tried moving but I could barely move, "where am I?" I kept questioning myself and then I heard talking but couldn't hear what they were saying, then a little light shined and I was grabbed from the place and fell hard on something hard, it felt like concrete. I felt a hand grab my head and pulled a bag that was on, I blinked and Jefferson was there looking at me with his creepy smiled,
"Ah Rachel look how beautiful you are."
I glared at him and replied,
"Ah Jefferson, your creepy pick up line anti going to work, I fu..."
I felt something hit me hard and a guy in a hoodie got down to my eye level,
"If I were you, I would keep your smart-ass comments to yourself, you stupid bitch."
I stuck my tongue out and then got slapped by the guy in the face hard, it left a red mark on my face.
"So sorry he had to do that Rachel, but I guess sometimes people need a good smack to keep in place."
Jefferson moved the guy out of the way so he could lean down to get eye level to me. I looked away and then he picked me up and flung me over his shoulder and headed for the mystery room and the guy followed with Max who was out. When we entered the room, I was put into a chair and strapped down, the guy put Max on the couch and tied her up. I was deadly afraid that I was in this hell again, but I kept it together and didn't show fear.
"Jefferson I'll handle KC and Chloe for you and you can do your thing."
"Thank you Xiva and take care of the side things even Nathan, take care of him first."
Xiva nodded and disappeared, I was surprised and then focused on Jefferson,
"Alright Rachel let's get this done."
He said with his creepy smile, he inserted a needle in my neck and my vision was going blurry and before I went out is said,
"I fuckin hate you Jefferson, I hope you die painfully."
I was out and Jefferson replied,
"Yea you wish you stupid bitch."



We were driving to Blackwell when a car came out of nowhere and blind sided us and through us off a cliff and then the car turned around and we flipped down the hill and then finally stopped after we got down the hill, I opened my eyes and looked at Chloe, she blinked and we got out of the destroyed truck and it felt like my ribs were broken. Chloe fell and I picked her up and we headed up the hill and saw Blackwell in flames and a dead boy in front of it, we went up to the body and saw it was Warren.
"Oh my God Warren is dead."
Chloe nodded and saw that there was bullet holes in 6 different places. I looked up while holding my side and saw a guy In a white coat with gray hair, he was coming toward us and he said from a distance,
"Oh you survived the crash KC and Chloe, so that means I can take you out myself."
He started heading toward us but then someone attacked him from the back and he tried to get the person off and then we heard the person yell,
"RUN!!" We headed for the building, we got to the front of the burning Blackwell, before we went inside I said,
"Well let's find Rachel and Max."
Chloe nodded and we ran in.

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