Chapter 38: You Are The Only One For Me

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Had a half formed idea, and a kind reviewer gave me a funny idea. Heh. This is the result. I don't like stringing you guys along, so I'll say that I will have one more chappie about some holiday crap because I'm in the mood.

Also, I noticed I'm in about 6 C2s for this fic. And about none of the staff and or managers of the C2s have reviewed. If I'm so awesome as to be in your archive of Pony loving or otherwise, leave me a review. It's just polite.


Last chapter was the lovely, long awaited make up/welcome back sex. I still want a cigarette. Disclaimers are the same as ever I suppose. After almost forty chapters, we're all aware of the naughtiness that's expected.

Brooklyn was singing along to a record when Pony opened the door to his apartment, casting a lingering glance at his new car. God it was a sexy car.

Pony listened to Brooklyn sign in his deep, clear voice and smiled. Some jazz ballad his mom and dad used to dance to, he'd bet.

"Your latest love can never last, and when it's passed, I'll be around, when he's gone. I'll be around, no matter how you treat me now. I'll be around, from now on."

Pony walked to Brooklyn as the album went on, a clarinet (Pony thought) solo continuing as Brooklyn's voice faded. He wrapped his arms around Brooklyn and melded to his spine. Brooklyn's didn't flinch because he was almost all better now. A tender half formed scar was all that remained. Pony nuzzled Brooklyn's neck, taking in his soft, clean scent.

"I should be singing that to you, you two timing cad." Pony muttered.

Brooklyn sighed and pulled Pony around so they faced each other. He took Pony's hands in his and they started to dance. Pony flushed since it wasn't a moment before he was stepping on Brooklyn's toes. Brooklyn had clearly danced to songs like this before, and spun Pony, pulling him close again, arms wrapped tight around Pony's chest as he faced Pony's back.

"Still the jealous type?" Brooklyn asked, his lips brushing Pony's ear. Pony pushed off and let Brooklyn un-spin him. They took a few more steps, Brooklyn chuckling as Pony's flush deepened. Then he dipped the boy, and held him low, one leg flung off the ground awkwardly.

"Very. You never told me exactly how it happened." Pony said. Brooklyn swung him back up and started dancing again, his arm tight around the small of Pony's back as their other hands remained entwined.

"Are you that insecure?" Brooklyn smiled and Pony flushed.

"Yes." Pony said. Brooklyn sighed.

"We kissed a couple of times. Mostly, he started it. He'd grab me, kiss me," Brooklyn jerked Pony close and planted a whirl wind kiss on him and spun him away, keeping a hold of his hand. "and say something in his Jacoby like way. Like, let's see, once it was something about him almost believing that I love him, and another time it was some shitty saying about it's not over 'til it's over which was a pleasant way to say he wanted to get laid."

"Hm. And the kisses were always that fast?" Pony asked, almost placated.

"Not always." Brooklyn said.

"Was he a good kisser?"

"Not as good as me." Brooklyn said, grinning.

"What else?" Pony let Brooklyn spin him again and then pull him close, hand on his hip and the other in his own hand.

"Hm. I don't know if you want to hear this honeybunch." The way Brooklyn said "honeybunch" made Pony's knees wobble.

"I do. All of it so I can hit you again and be happy." Pony said, aware that him being the hitter in the relationship was twisted and humorous.

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