Chapter 14: I Had a Naughty Dream

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I am sooo sorry I took so long. While I have your attention, vote for my ficcies. I will make it worth your while, wink nudge wink...

Email j0a15nna10 ATHOTMAIL, with the at symbol, damn formatting... (without the space, second letter is a zero) and tell her you like Brooklyn From New York in the SLASH category.

Go to this website: ( www. wrongsideofthetracksawards. cjb (without the spaces, damn the formatting again) and navigate to the voting page. You may have to close an ad and scroll down some to get to the voting link. Under "best new addition" is my old ficcie, New Feelings.

PLEASE DO IT. And quickly, might I add. I love you guys, have some minor sexing...

Pony sat silent in passenger's seat as Darry drove them home, equally willing to remain silent. This mutual silence lasted a full twenty four hours, granted eight of those hours were spent sleeping, another eight with Pony brooding in school and Darry at work, and the last eight in a kind of truce drawn stupor.

Soda, Darry and Pony sat eating dinner, the only conversation was Soda's comforting but incessant chatter. Pony didn't eat much, knowing his mouth formed a semi frown as he stared down at his plate.

"Darry, I saw Brooklyn, what happened to him?" Soda asked.

"Some gang buster must have gotten a hold of him." Pony said.

"Pony-" Darry began.

"Did he get in a fight or something?" Soda asked. He leaned forward and the spoon with mashed potatoes stopped half way to his mouth.

"In a manner of speaking." Darry said. He rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"Well tell him to take it easy." Soda said.

"He's been told." Pony said.

"Pony, could I talk to you for a minute, in my room please?" Darry asked. Pony followed him and he shut the door. "I know you're angry. Let's hear it."

"He didn't do anything wrong."

"He's done plenty of things wrong." Darry said.

"Who hasn't? You just don't get it. I don't care what he has or hasn't done or what he will or won't do. I picked him. I want him. I risked getting my lights knocked out when I kissed him, Darry. I risked everything to get close to him and you have no right to take that away."

"Pony, he's twenty one years old and he's from New York for God's sake. He's probably been with so many people, you'd just be another-"

"We've been through this before Darry and you still aren't listening. I don't care what he has or hasn't done, or who he has or hasn't done. And it isn't his fault that I'm gay."

"I don't care about that-"

"Yes you do. If you didn't you wouldn't have hurt him. You wouldn't be avoiding me. You could meet my eyes when we talk. I thought you'd understand."

"I almost understand Pony but I still don't want you to love him. He's been through more than he'll ever tell anyone and someday it will hurt you as much as him. Can you really live with someone that has a side you've never seen?"

"I manage here just fine." Pony said. Darry narrowed his eyes.

"Listen little man, we are done talking about this if all you can do is insult me." Darry said.

"It's clear we're done talking at all until you can listen."

Pony stormed out of the room to his own and slammed the door, starting when he turned and saw Soda sitting on the bed. Soda frowned.

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