Part 11

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      Remy sees Louis stride in, falter, and then wave, "hi!"

      Hi" he says in response, a twinge of smile on his face. Louis takes a deep breath, points at him, and declares, "I need to tell you something that I've been meaning to say for a long time."

     Rem's smile falters, if this is what he has been desperately waiting for his entire life, then he might very well die of happiness then and there. To say he has a 'crush' on Louis doesn't even begin to describe the astrophysical level of love, adoration, and affection that he has endlessly ensued upon Remy. His heart thumps the words I love you whenever he talks, sees, thinks of Louis (so basically quotidian). Everything from the way his voice will somehow escalade twenty notches higher when he is stressed or hysterical to the ridiculous suits that he wears everyday (I love you). From the way his eyebrows raise when he is sarcastic and his beautiful mouth will smirk affectionately (I love you). The way he cares continuously about other people and will thoughtlessly throw himself in danger because of their well being; everything about him: his laugh, his smile, his eyes, oh his eyes, those beautiful brown cocoa eyes that look like warm chocolate, his hair that he probably takes better care of than himself (I love you, I love you, I love you). So depending on what Louis's next sentence is, Remy will either sink painfully, deadly, grotesquely into the earth or float powered full of adoration,blissfulness, and passion into the heavens.

      Slowly Louis looks back up at him, his eyes glistening with unfallen tears, and says the simple yet life-changing words, "Rem, I love you. I always have, ever since I first saw you after the slam performance; that worked out by the way, so thanks for that as well," he pumps his fists in the air in congratulations. "Anyways, I've loved you forever, and I've never worked up the nerve to say it, Rem, you're so full of magic, you breathe it. I love you from the soles of your shoes to the glasses I've known you've worn since fourteen. There has never been a moment where I didn't want you, didn't need you. So yeah, that's my declaration."

      The way Louis looked at him when he had finished speaking was with absolute desperation, like if Remy didn't say something soon he was going to bolt. Remy only felt the word "Louis" leave his lips before he ran up and hugged Louis. "I love you too," he whispered, "I always have." Then, Remy kissed him.

      The kiss tasted like cinnamon, tea, and ginger. It was everything that a kiss ought to be: cozy, full of love, and pure. It was only broken off by the sound of cheering; when they looked up, wide smiles on both of their faces, they saw Sam smirking and applauding with a grumpy Henry perched on her lap, Camille filming, and Marci, who was doing all the cheering.

      "How incredibly private that was," Louis remarked, grabbing Remy's hand.

      "I can't believe it finally happened, we all thought that we might have to wait forever" Marci said, still wildly applauding with glee.

      "Well, you got your wish for the day" Rem smirked, throwing a sideways look to Louis that said more emotions than words ever could.

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