Part 14

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      Remy let out a sharp scream. A piece of sharp wood that was aflame had struck Louis hard in the face and he now lay on the floor unconscious. He bent down to his side and felt his pulse, it was still strong. The burn didn't seem too bad but you could still see the imprint of the piece of wood engraved into his cheek. Five minutes ago they had been kissing, now they were lying on the floor as the shop went up in flames and Rem was telling Louis repeatedly how much he loved him.

      Louis sat up with sharp yelp, slapping a hand on his cheek. "Ow, that hurts."

      "Well you did get struck by a flaming bookshelf." Remy leans over him and hugs Louis probably way too hard. "I love you."

      "I love you too, but lighten up, you're going to break my ribs." Rem does and he breathes like he had just finished a marathon.

      "It wasn't that bad." Louis looks at him in a contradicting way, "you weren't the one getting smooshed."

      "Louis!" It was Sam, she had sweat and tears plastered across her face and was desperately trying to make her way to where he and Remy were. "What happened, are you okay?"

      "Yeah, I'm fine, are you?" Louis hopped up and swung Sam out of her wheelchair, hugging her tightly.

      "I-I am, just in shock; have you seen Marci or Camille yet? I heard them calling for me but I couldn't tell where they were." 

      "No I haven't," worry starts to form in his brain, a bubble that's about to burst. Sam starts to frantically call for them, rolling over burning embers and deliriously running into walls.

      "Hey," Rem says, grabbing her elbow, "be careful, we can all go with you." She mutely nods and they start going.

      When they reached about the middle of the shop, the ceiling had fallen in and Remy could catch a glimpse of sky. Even though it was only mid-afternoon, it looked as if it was midnight because of the smoke polluting the horizons. It was a strange and eerie sight that he hoped he never again had to witness. They still didn't know what was on fire, or what had caused the fire, but he hoped that the cathedral hadn't been touched by the flames. It depended on what side of the bookshop they were on; when you're in it for a while you start to lose your sense of direction and also time. Usually this is a good thing, but today, all Remy wants is to get out of the bookstore. It seems to want to comply, because they're in the definite middle which Rem knows well.

      Soon they hear voices and glimpse Marci and Camille run in, the latter holding a very grumpy looking Henri. Sam shrieks and practically tackles them. They are head to toe covered in ashes, giving their hair and skin a chalky milky appearance. Marci takes one look at Louis's burnt face and immediately pulls out a piece of gauze which she wraps around his cheek.

      "Thank you, are you guys okay?" Louis asks.

      "Oui, we're fine; we're just rattled along with some minor burns," she replies, brushing her sweaty dry hands down the front of her jeans. "The front door is blocked since the ceiling collapsed, and the only window we could find is busted. Do you know of another exit?"

      "Follow me," Remy grabs her hand and we follow after him back through the burning maze and the parching smoke. In front of them is a tiny window that seems more like a cat door than a fire escape but anything is better than nothing. As they struggle to open it Louis makes sure to have his thumb not tucked into his fist and punches clean through the glass.

      "Well that works" Sam deadpans. Louis goes first, barely squeezing through with his tall frame. Then he helps Sam out of her wheelchair and through the window. Marci slips through, taking Henri from Camille as she goes through the window. Remy goes last, barely even having to think small with his sticklike form.

      As they make it outside, breathing in the fresh air; they finally see what has caught fire.

      The Notre Dame Cathedral. 


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